"Karsten" <kfcdk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Og jo, jeg har søgt på nette efter dem, men det kan være at det ikke er de
> rigtige sider som jeg fandt...
> Problemmet er, at jeg lige har installeret Windows 98 på en pc´er, men den
> kan ikke finde nogle driver til følgende hardware
> 1. Grafikkort: Diamond Stealth Video 2500
Diamond har ikke en driver til Win98, men måske kan følgende hjælpe:
P150 with Diamond Stealth 2500 working fine with Windows 95. No drivers
available for Windows 98. In Win 98 all you can get is VGA: 16 colors and
640x480, so several programs refuse to install.
I copied all the files cited in the *.inf file (Win95 version) on a
floppy, including the inf file itself. Then I installed Win 98 on a freashly
formatted harddisk. After that I installed "new hardware", and let it find
the videocard files on the floppy. The result is that I can use the machine
now on 800x600 and 32bits colors, "Optimal refresh rate". The PC is for the
studying kids, and on that machine they are not allowed to run any games.
Since it is a 15" screen, I do not inted to use a higher resolution.
It is a pity that DiamondMM does not support this card in Win98.
> 2. Skærm: Hitachi 15MVX Value (CM1587)
den ved jeg ik med, måske kan det løses på samme måde.
> --
> ---------
> Karsten Strøm
> kstroem@post10.tele.dk
> kfcdk@hotmail.com
> Netikette for begyndere (og andre)