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Er der nogen der kender Valdemar Tobias Ni~
Fra : P.E. Nikolajsen

Dato : 28-02-03 21:16

Hej NG.

Jeg har fået en mail fra USA. Er der nogen der kender disse personer?

I know that my grandfather , Valdamar Tobias
Nicolaisen came from Odense and Thorvald Ellegaard, (bicycle champion) was a
1st or 2nd couson. My grandfather left Odense in the late 1800's probably
around 1890 and moved to Council Bluffs, Iowa in the USA. His two brothers,
George and Peter Immigrated to Iowa as well, but I don't know if they came
the same time my grandfather did. George located in Spencer, Iowa and Peter
in Storm Lake, Iowa. My grandfather returned to Odense in 1908 for a visit
with my grandmother, Caroline and aunts, uncles and my mother who was only
one year old at that time. That was the last physical contact any of the
Nicolaisens from Iowa had with their Danish relatives as far as I know. I
have many photographs of my fammily in Odense from the late 1800's including
the family home and some photos of my great grandfather. My grandfather was
a painter and paperhanger and learned his trade in Germany before moving to
the US.

Poul Erik Nikolajsen

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