Klaus G. ytrede sig i <5Ya8a.103335$Hl6.9715414@news010.worldonline.dk>
med dette:
>> Ja, det lyder som om at tcp forbindelsen fint kan oprettes, men at selve
>> spillet bruger udp til pakkeudveksling, hvis FW/router ikke er sat op
>> til både at tillade tcp og udp vil der ikke kunne spilles.
>Men hvad porte er det så den er gal med?
Taget direkte fra Blizzards support
What ports are required and with what settings?
In order to connect to Battle.net, thru your Local Area Network,
while allowing others to connect to games you create, make sure you have
the following ports setup as described below.
Warcraft III:
* Allow port 6112 TCP out and allow established sessions in
* Allow port 6112 TCP in (hosting custom games)
* Allow port 6113-6119 TCP out and in (hosting custom games if you’ve
changed the default port in the Options/Gameplay screen)
* "Established sessions in" applies to firewalls only. NAT will allow
the "established sessions in" automatically.
* NAT users will need to map any "in"s (hosting games only) to the IP of
the computer hosting the game.
* Warcraft III is the only Blizzard Title that currently supports
multiple players hosting games behind NAT.
//Citat slut
Det lader til at der ikke længere bruges UDP, som i Blizzards tidligere
Diablo, Warcraft II Battle.net Edition, and StarCraft:
* Allow port 6112 TCP out and allow established sessions in
* Allow port 6112 UDP out and in
Håber I får det til at virke nu.
Allan Stig Kiilerich Frederiksen