Så kan Army of Darkness-fans godt finde tegnedrengen frem igen. Der er
kommet en ny og markant bedre udgave på markedet i det fjerne østen.
Der er tale om akkurat den samme restaurerede director's cut udgave som
i Anchor Bays madkassebokse, bootleg editions og hvad ved jeg ....
BORTSET fra at billedet rent faktisk ser PÆNT ud denne gang. Og ingen
store kvalitetsspring som på AB-udgivelserne!!
Og så er der faktisk en ekstra lille scene med + masser af
ekstramateriale (inklusiv AB's kommentarspor?).
Se screenshots her:
Der er tale om en OFFICIEL reg. 3 udgave fra Hong Kong som bl.a. kan
bestilles her:
Jeg har lige været i kontakt med Johnny fra dddhouse og han har smidt
den op på deres site også. Jeg går ud fra at det er den rigtige version
han har fundet frem til og et link til den er her:
Følg med i hvordan Anchor Bay forholder sig til alt dette umiddelbart
inden, at de for gud ved hvilken gang sender den samme version på gaden
i ny smart indpakning. Underholdende læsning:
Her er en af de seneste reaktioner på en, der har erhvervet sig DVD'en:
"Ok, just watched it and thought i'd add a bit more info here about it.
It has got all the scenes from the anchor bay directors cut version and
the quality is excellent.
Along with the already mentioned Sheila/top ripping scene, the battle
at the end has got some extra bits in it that aren't in the anchor bay
directors cut - you see more of Evil Ash at the start of the battle,
the scene that stood out most was one where he was telling evil Sheila
how when they win he'll rule and she'll be his queen. The bits of the
battle seem to have been shuffled round slightly too from the anchor
bay version though i'm not positive, maybe i'm just getting mixed up
but i'm pretty sure it's different.
The skeletons seem to have more lines during the fight too but again,
maybe i'm imagining it.
The surround sound mix is excellent too - better than the one on the
theatrical cut IMO..
For the price, I can't recomend this disk enough - it's got scenes
included i'd never seen, excellent picture and sound all through and
most of the anchor bay extras from both of their releases (just missing
the men behind the army feature and the storyboards).
Once again, thanks to Duke Henry for letting us all know about this -
Groovy! "