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Hyperlink blue line
Fra : Digi-Kleuter

Dato : 21-01-01 02:32


Here we go, I have a problem... For me it is a BIG problem. I hope the you
can/will help me, if you have some time left...


That's where the problem is. The openingspage is made out of three frames:
up, left and right. In the upper frame i have 4 images next to eachother.
Now I want to link the symbols of "the golden globes" and "the grammy's" to
a page that would have to come in the right frame. Frontpage finds it
neccecery (or something like that) to put a nice ugly blue line arround the
whole image. While I only made the link on the symbol of the Globes. What I
can do, is change the collour of the nice blue line, but I can't get it to
go away.

I also made a link on de picture of the rightframe on the filmroll. It
doesn't have a blue line.

What do I do?

(Wouldbe) Webmaster
Thank you

Jonas Astrup - html.~ (21-01-2001)
Fra : Jonas Astrup - html.~

Dato : 21-01-01 06:15

Digi-Kleuter wrote in dk.edb.internet.webdesign.frontpage:
> What do I do?

Yo Digi-Kleuter,

Find the images in the HTML source - it should look something like this:

<a href="page.html"><img src="pic.gif"></a>

Now, to remove the blue border, you simply add this to your HTML:


which skould look something like this:

<a href="page.html"><img src="pic.gif" border="0"></a>


Dette indlæg er sendt fra http://www.html.dk
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