Det var min PQI kortlæser, som ikke kunne håndere standby. Efter fjernelse
af sausb.sys ophørte fejlen (og min kortlæser funktionalitet

> USB: Lexar Media Combo Digital Film Reader (USB). There is a problem
> with the SAUSB.SYS file, apparently part of the Win98 SE driver set
> for this device, retained during an upgrade to Win XP. Deleting the
> file solved the problem. The newer version 4.3 SAUSB.SYS driver from
> Lexar's Web site works perfectly, and does not cause a shutdown
> problem. (Tip from correspondent Eric Brown.) Though one correspondent
> reported that the even newer version 4.5 driver (SAUSBI.SYS) also can
> be used in Win XP , Lexar says this driver doesn't work on XP. One
> correspondent has confirmed that this matches his experience in trying
> (unsuccessfully) to use 4.5 on both Widows 2000 and XP.