Preben Bødker Nielsen <> wrote:
> [2900] Jesper Haaber Gylling <> wrote:
> >
> >
> > hvorfor kan min IE 5.1.X ikke vise dette site korrekt ?
> Sikkert fordi der er amvendt billeder i formatet PNG.
> Safari kan
Og inden du spør, er løsningen her:
"Step 1: Go into the Quicktime control panel in System Preferences.
Under the plug-in section, click the "MIME Settings..." button. Expand
the "images" category, and deselect the "PNG image file" option. This
tells the quicktime plugin you no longer wish it to attempt to seize
authority over PNG images in your web browser. Now you are finished
with this step, so click OK to save your changes and exit System
Step 2: Launch IE and go into the preferences. Go to the "File Helpers"
category. Sort by extension, so you can find the two (2) ".png"
categories (titled "PNG Image [image/x-png]" and "Portable Network
Graphic [image/png]"). Edit both these (click "change") in the last
category "Handling", change to "View with Browser" for each. Once you
have done both, click OK to exit preferences.
Step 3: There is no step 3 (although I'm sure someone will suggest "use
Omniweb instead!"). Your settings in IE will stick unless you change
the Quicktime preferences back to the defaults, which will override the
IE ones the next time you launch."
Sakset fra:
Preben Bødker Nielsen .