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Oprindeligt er indlægget sendt af /Ole...
Mvh Ann - med 2 hunde og 5 katte
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Lige en lille (lang) tanke om, hvorfor vi har hund. Jeg har ikke oversat
den, for jeg synes, den mister ret meget på dansk.
If you want someone, who will do anything to please you, get a dog.
If you want someone, who will bring you the newspaper, without tearing
forst for the sportpages, get a dog.
If you want someone, who will make a total fool of himself, because he's
glad to see you, get a dog.
If you want someone, who will eat whatever you put in front of him and
says his mother made it better, get a dog.
If you want someone, who never touches the remote, couldn't care less
monday night football and watches dramatic movies with you for as long
want, get a dog.
If you want someone, who'll be content just to snuggle up and keep you
in bed, and whom you can kick out if he slobbers and snores, get a dog.
If you want someone, who never criticizes anything you do, doesn't care
good or bad you look, acts as every word you say, is worth hearing,
complains, and loves you unconditionally all the time, get a dog.
On the other hand................ If you want someone, who never comes
you call him, totally ignores you, when you enter the room, leaves hair
over the place, walks all over you, prowls around all night and come
only to eat and sleep all day, and acts as though you are there only to
that he's happy ............................. GET A CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
/Ole og Dino
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