Mikkel Pagh <spiced.pork@ham.com> wrote:
> Nu du siger det, har jeg oplevet det samme problem. Det lader til at
> være en bug i OS'et.
> Én gang har jeg givet en ekstern harddisk et nyt ikon og senere skiftet
> det, uden at det virkede. Da jeg så eject'ede disken og satte den til
> igen, var det nye ikon pludselig der. Mærkeligt. Og det hjælper dig nok
> ikke særligt meget når du arbejder med mapper.
Jeg spurgte udenbys, og fik en sjov løsning, som jeg nok skal øve mig i
for at gøre hurtigt, men som giver lidt fantasi til brug af terminal
Citat fra <1OjJ9.4570$BB.3934@nwrddc01.gnilink.net>:
I had the same problem and I think I found a workaround. If you're not
afraid of the Terminal, launch it and set the current directory to the
folder giving you problem.
Type "cd" followed by a space. then, from the Finder, drag the folder
into the Terminal window. Its path should appear after the "cd" command.
Hit return. Then, type "ls -alsg " to list the entire content of the
folder, including hidden files. If you look carefully, you should see a
file named "Icon?". That's the file that is giving you problem. Still in
the Terminal, type "rm Icon" and press the escape key. Terminal will
complete the file name. Hit return.
You can try another "ls" to verify that the file was removed. You can
then go back to the Finder and put whatever icon you want on that
folder. Before trying this, make sure you remove the current icon from
the folder using the "Info" window and pressing "Delete" after selecting
the icon in the window.
This always did it for me in 10.2.2.
Det virker også for mig.
Venlig hilsen
Nina Storm