Jeg fald lige over følgende to hi-fi/filmkigger test på et norsk HI-FI-site.
De er ret morsomme og afsløre lidt om ens vaner og (manglende) evne til at
indgå i det normale samfund
mine resultater på de to test følger herunder
Test 1:
Table of points:
0: Do you live?
5-40: Extreme nice and thoughtful
40-60: Pretty nice and thoughtful
60-80: Almost annoying
80-95: Almost worst-case
100: The ultimate worst-case neighbour
The results are ready and you got 80 points!
Comment: You are one of the worst, but you haven't gone so far that the
police keep your apartment under surveillance. When watching a movie, you
have the remote in your hand all the time, and increase the volume every
time there's some action going on. You and your neighbour can't be the best
friends, except if you share the same home cinema interest. Probably your
neighbour dream of a life without you - and your home cinema...
test 2
Table of points:
0: Perfect boyfriend
5-35: Good potential
40-70: Machoman
75-95: Watch out, we can almost see a nerd over there
100: Supernerd
The results are ready and you got 55 points!
Comment: You're a machoman and YOU own the remote control. You know how to
put yourselves and the action-movies the centre. If you work hard, you can
learn to be a bit more romantic and then even you got a potential. Buy,
watch "The Bridges of Madison County" and learn.