Peter Kiil <> wrote:
> in article, Michael Holm at
> wrote on 24/10/02 14:03:
> > skærmen er blevet god igen efter inst. af os 9 og efterfølgende firmware
> > opdatering ! nu må vi se om den holder til imorgen
og derefter
> > jaguar på igen !
> Har fået nedenstående fra en teknikker hos en Apple forhandler i USA:
> This a warning to all the iMac DV owners out here (the original slot-loading
> machines w/ rev 1. logic boards only, earlier tray-loading and later
> slot-loading models are unaffected). If you plan on running 10.2 with a
> slot-loading iMac make sure you have run the iMac 4.1.9 firmware update
> first!!! I have replaced about 20 some logic boards on these machines since
> the release of 10.2 because customers have failed to do this. Not running
> the firmware update can cause various video issues such as color tinting or
> geometery problems and even intermittent startup issues (this problem can
> mimic a faulty power/analog/video board). Sometimes running the firmware
> update will correct the problems even after these issues show up, sometimes
> it won't meaning you need to have your logic board replaced.
> Additionally, these issues are usually triggeered if you reset nvram, pram
> or boot into open firmware and type the below commands and get a default
> catch error code:
> reset-nvram<return>
> set-defaults<return>
Aich... Det betyder jo' at man skal sikre sig at firmwaren er
opdateret... Jeg tjekkede faktisk firmwaren inden jeg installerede
Jaguaren på den iMac jeg nævnte tidligere. Men kunne ikke finde en nyere
en den der var installeret...
Kan man boote i system 9, opdatere firmware og boote tilbage i Jaguar.
Eller skal man geninstallere jaguaren?
Mvh Nicolai Brandt