"C. H. Engelbrecht" <chrisengeldk@dkik.dk> wrote in message
> Sad lige og så Reservoir Dogs af Tarantino. Sikkent manuskript, sikken
> dialog!
Yeps. Rigtig god film.
> Spørgsmål: Hvem hulen skyder Chris Penns figur? (I serieskyderiet til
> sidst.)
Fra 'The HPL Tarantino FAQ page':
"It's Mr. White. If you play the tape in slow motion, you
can see White pivot towards Nice Guy and fires just a
split second after Nice Guy shoots White. It couldn't
have been Orange, since Orange didn't have any bullets
left after unloading on Mr. Blond, and considering he
was getting shot a second time (this time by Joe), he
wouldn't have had the strength to hold a gun straight
anyway. And it couldn't have been Mr. Pink, since he was
hiding under the ramp; even if he wasn't, you know that
he was struggling to maintain professionalism throughout
the aftermath of the heist, and there's no way he would
have gotten involved in the personal dispute.
However, someone told me that in Empire, a UK film
magazine, there was a Chris Penn interview, where he
said the following: "Nobody shot Nice Guy Eddie. It was
a mistake. What was supposed to happen -- and I don't
know if Quentin's gonna like me for giving this away,
but it's too late now, he never told me not to -- was
Harvey Keitel was supposed to shoot Lawrence Tierney,
then me, then get squibbed. But what happened was the
squib on Harvey went right off after he shot Lawrence
Tierney, so he went down, but my squib went off, so I
went down. So basically nobody shot Nice Guy Eddie.
Quentin said, 'You know what? It'll be the biggest
controversy of the film. We're leaving it.' " Hmm."
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