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Quaoar, a new planet
Fra : Claudio Solis

Dato : 10-10-02 07:58

Quaoar is as big as _all_asteroids_put_together_!

The largest discovery since Pluto. It is larger thant Pluto's
moon, Charon. Now it's clear that Pluto is a transneptune object,
not a planet. This has been suggested with the discoveries of
Varuna and Ixion transneptuners.

Quaoar transits the U.S.A. ascendant, potentially cutting the country
in two. Or will it be Iraq? The delineations will be published on daily
basis here: http://www.escribe.com/theory/puck

http://puck.dhs.org /2003/tno

Klaudio Zic t8@puck.dhs.org

P.S. Testing Dr. Alois Treindl program:


Posted via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG

Kaxanova Zakomo (14-10-2002)
Fra : Kaxanova Zakomo

Dato : 14-10-02 15:55

Astronomicon - The Manifest of Astr@logy for the Astromancer

We want to use astrology at will, interpret at will and discreate
the influences at will. Our will shalt be truewill.

Our maps will not suffer miscalculation and misinterpretation.

Everybody is free to interpret for himself. He does not have to
comply to old categories made by bored minds. One can have fun.

An astrological influence coming from the false mind will never
disturb the serene dance of the truemind.

One is free to discreate his own and his fellow's upcoming bad
transit, reinterpreting futurities in recreating the MartiX.

The Moon Matrix feeds TrueMind and the Sun pertains to the false
ego. This puts astr@logy close to vedic principles and astronomy.
Astronomy shall be cherished to the detriment of one slice charlatans.

Our omniverse shalt have many slices joining many astrologies
from old native indian to true vedic and old chinese. All lovely
constellations will join the interpretation. No longer shalt we
be bound with the 12 signs only. The Rabbit Steps of the Navajo
will be compatible but unequal to the chinese and egiptian stars.

There are already able astrologers doing their own research in
the influence of classes of objects like the main belters, the
centaur objects and new giant transneptuners. Some extend their
research to deep sky objects or Earth's `second moon' Cruithne.

Archeastrology will fluorish. Zecharia Sitchin's ideas will be
put into daily use. Omniverse will change daily and be adapted
to, like in a dynamic life. Stalled ideas will be discarded with
a yawn. Junk kookbooks will be left to their fate.

The object and not it's name shalt be studied.

For 200 years Vesta, Ceres and Pallas were the largest asteroids.
Varuna, Ixion and 2002 AW197 announced 2002 LM60 (proposed name
`Quaoar'), H 1.6, as large as all asteroids put together. Simscans,
ephemeris, wheel charts, delineation proposals, examples and fellow
transeptunes frequently updated on http://puck.dhs.org/quaoar

http://puck.dhs.org/quaoar 2002 LM60 the new astrological object


A) Preparing a chart. How to obtain the _exact_ natal positions.
Precise Moon's position. Topocentric ephemeris. Our calculations
will excell in precision and the prediction will be exact to the
minute. Why most of the charts on Earth are miscalculated?
B) "Handsfree Astrology". How to predict the year and the month
of the event without any use of tools like ephemeris or PC
programs. Primary directions. I Ching Aspectarian. Kabala.
C) Orbital simulation and NASA JPL HORIZONS. Obtaining the ephemeris
of any object. Calculating the horoscope from any object (e.g.
Eroscentrical). Using Harvard MPC data in orbital simulation.
Updating the asteroid data base on daily basis.
D) Centaur Objects. Hylonome, Chariklo, Chiron, Pholus, Nessus,
Asbolus, 1994TA Pylenor, 2000QC243, 2001PT13 and others.
E) 2002 LM60 Quaoar. New giant transneptunes. Ixion. 2002 AW197.
Varuna. 2002 KX14, 2001 UR163. Chaos. Rhadamanthus. 1992QB1.
F) Bavarian hypotheticals; the "Dark Planets".
G) Special objects and groups of objects, e.g. Earth's `second
moon' trojan Cruithne, Damocles, Cassini Lilith, Amors, Atens,
Apollos, Hilda, comets, brown dwarfs, Nibiru; planetary nodes,
Janus, Chiron, Vesta, Pholus nodes; Raziel, Devil's Rose.
H) Stargate. Major stars. Star primary direction . Deep Sky Objects.
I) The use of the Lords of the Houses in directional and horary
Astrology. Charting extreme latitudes.
J) ASTROMAJIK Majikal initiation into the secrets of Astrologix?
What in fact are the 360 degrees? Inorganic initiators. Majikal
evocation. Star spirits. Enchanted degrees. The Coocoon. Vedas.
Omniverse. Triangulating your own guardian angel. Treasure maps.

ASTR@NOMICON - an @dventurity in ASTR@LOGY for the ASTR@MANCER

Pucket Dictionary, a Guide to http://ghettobox.dhs.org/pucklist

Some odd words need extra elucidation and here's them do it:

voladeros = los voladeros, a Carlos Castaneda hallmark for a
sort of private inorganic devil, the flyer :::
the real enemy of man that makes man an useless
repetitious and predictable being, instead of the
majikal infinite being he was born into this world
as the voladero feeds upon man's energy and emotional
emanation (thus monks train not to have emotions, or
observe them in `witness' fashion) /1/

futurity = a possible future, one of the possible futures out
of an infinite choice of futures (adventurity is a
possible adventure)

ming = mind |:| like a shining clear device

true mind = the original mind, zen mind, prenatal, true self
deedeelike, purposeful, concentrated, meditating,
meeting pleasant trinkets of consciousness, unexpected,
inner silence, intent, lunar mind

false mind = the solar ego, voladero install, default mind, one
size fits all, cheap daily mind everybody uses,
paranoid, grotesque, hideous, reserved, protective,
frenetically on guard, on tiptoe, cunning, baroque,
predatory, hungry, contradictory, ill tempered,
dexterlike, in fear of being discovered, worried,
problem creating, believer, the mark of the beast,
uniform, egomaniacal, competing, routine, rat race,
hopes and fears, pastoral, binary minded, dies irae
dictating, hateful, gothic, dark, unconcentrated,
uncaring, heavy, greedy, overambitious, solar mind

two minds = man has apparently only the daily idiotical routine
mind, the one-size-fits-all mind, with it's ideals
of `the purse full of gold and the hand of Helen of
Troy' (quoting Crowley), but there is yet another
hidden original mind, forgotten perhaps by the age of
three, true mind; Osho suggests to get rid of the
false (that is daily, the `only one we know') mind

sensei = the initiated mind is it's own guru or a combination
of sense and guru; it has sensei to meditate now

devel = diaboladero, diavoladero, the devil, personal devil,
an inorganic being, ruler of this world (of man, the
devil has nothing to do with cows), an old form of
the word `devil', possibly of mid-eastern origin

discreate = to turn the laserbeam spotlight of one's purposeful
and concentrated truemind with truewill towards
the truly noble object (discreating is a way of
saying, deconcentrating on the negativity); to
dissolve negativities in the mental, astral and
the physical domain (as well as the casual/akasa)

intent = intentido, a higher function of true self, the active
side of infinity (ananta), 5th attention

attention = first attention - karma yoga - physical body environment
second attention - bhakti yoga - awake in dreamworld
third attention - raja yoga - hells and paradises
fourth attention - jnana yoga - transcending false ego
fifth attention - sahaja yoga - intentido!

astr@logy = helping the rural people for a better planet

/1/ http://groups.google.com search for `voladeros'
Chinese called them `thunders'
We call them devils `put aside for us'
Some have names like in Shakespeare's King Lear
Voladeros are inorganic beings from outer space
The mind we use most of the time is not ours, it is theirs
Our original (zen!) mind is hardly in use
One can must discard the false ego and regain true mind
Discipline achieves true mind
Discipline is defined as the openess to surprise in little things
Dee Dee is Dexter's sister in the cartoon and good example of truemind
Dexter is too preocupied and self centered, even afraid of being
discovered, and thus a negaitive example of false ego!
The whole of our civilization fosters the false ego
The devil is the ruler of this world of men
You can shake off the devil with discipline (controlled folly)
Dogma and systems of beliefs are the voladero's installation
so that it can keep man under control
The best way to control man is to install an alien mind into him
`Do not fight evil!'
Our Lord Jesus Christ was tempted by the voladero in the desert
A winner over the voladero can become an inorganic being himself
Untill you become as small children
A rich man will never reach devahan

The conclusion is that there's nothing genuine for your true mind
in places like stock exchange, competitive enterprises, i.e. in the
western capitalist world

A cult comic, Cry for Dawn, comments this often and delineates

Ci piace volare altri. Ma vogliamo soddisfare anche chi resta
sempre un po' con i piedi per terra. Fly others, help'em walk.

Program * http://puck.dhs.org * I Ching * Astr@logy * O5 Majik

The busy man at the airport perhaps closed his eyes for a second.
You don't know it, but he's just set up the vibration for his
interview. Yes he created an event ahead. Perhaps timed it, if
he's a `snowcrashing' O5 master.

What does this mean? That people can actually create events out
of the blue? Which people? Is that legal?

In O5 we trust.

O5 is a natural active prayer. We just help God tidying up a bit.
Suggest a butterfly there, a blue sky here. Everybody imagines
mental pictures, sometimes full of emotion. Deliberate imagination
upon a clear silver screen begins as fiction factory and ends up
materialized, one lives his dream. Life has been meant to.

While your kind religious upbringing prepares the soul for self
remembering, O5 is just a tool, the hand of man, perhaps touching
the Hand of God. It's a nice tool coming from Tibet.

Welcome to it!

If you are reading this, you are liable to know much about astrology.
What about the new and thrilling centaurean astrology? Ever heard
about the new gigantic transneptuners? Yes, our knowledge of the
solar system improved drastically in the past decan. The most important
discoveries in the past 200 years have been made a couple of years ago.

I Ching is nothing new, of course. Perhaps the approach may change.
If you are an astrologer, you might use it for delineating directions.
If you just like to get a host of answers to your questions, you are
welcome to. But it would be nice to learn some operative I Ching
basics. We are resourceful. Take your time.

The =O5= formula, publications, logo, methods and procedures
are (C) Copyright 1994-2002 Klaudio Zic. tarant8l@freenet.am
for information and eventual further publishing permission.

Discreation basic formula
INTEND your goal.
1. MERGE with the OBSTACLE:
2. Expand with the OBSTACLE as you breath it in.
3. Exit and LABEL the OBSTACLE for deletion.
4. Disclaim the OBSTACLE as your own now useless creation.
reINTEND your goal.

O5 is available through http://groups.google.com and the
mailing list archives http://www.escribe.com/theory/puck

It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
It is by INTENT that my
thoughts acquire speed,

The dream acquires form,
The form pervades certainty.
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.

Dyads/tuition by e-mail: t8@puck.dhs.org http://puck.dhs.org/

To join O5 mailing list, mail majordomo@ghettobox.dhs.org
with the message `subscribe puck' in the body of the letter.

For 200 years Vesta, Ceres and Pallas were the largest asteroids.
Varuna, Ixion and 2002 AW197 announced 2002 LM60 (proposed name
`Quaoar'), H 1.6, larger than all asteroids put together. Simscans,
ephemeris, wheel charts, delineation proposals, examples and fellow
transeptunes frequently updated http://puck.dhs.org/quaoar

These are some of the `standard objects' in astronomicon. The
astromancing days begun with the discoveriey of the first transneptune
in 1992 and the introduction of the centaur objects in astr@logy.
D) Centaur Objects. Hylonome, Chariklo, Chiron, Pholus, Nessus,
Asbolus, 1994TA Pylenor, 2000QC243, 2001PT13 and others.
E) 2002 LM60 Quaoar. New giant transneptunes. Ixion. 2002 AW197.
Varuna. 2002 KX14. 2001 UR163. Chaos. Rhadamanthus. 1992QB1.
F) Bavarian hypotheticals; the "Dark Planets". </SNIP>

http://puck.dhs.org/quaoar 2002 LM60 the new astrological object

Kaxanova Zakomo (17-10-2002)
Fra : Kaxanova Zakomo

Dato : 17-10-02 12:45

2002 LM60 `Quaoar' - In Houses - http://puck.dhs.org/quaoar
(C) 2002 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved. t8@puck.dhs.org
A Guide in 2002 LM60 Quaoar transneptune in horary & fun astrology.

1. Quaoar in the first house took the hard way of responsability
for one's own karma. People rarely assume complete responsability
for their thoughts, emotions and deeds and therefore the world is
there to play with, hate and put the blame upon. Otherwise there
is none. One that seeks HimSelf does not live in the world any
more. Silent task performer. The rewards for a work well done is
a new task. Mapping the planet. Riding a mare at night in the
desert. The karmamechanic. The not-doer. Passively meeting the
devil. The clash of opposite forces. A waoman badly in need of
a man. Crossing this line brings more and more responsability,
a hard working life, self denieal, blood, sweat and tears. Good
perhaps only to the spiritual `person', bad for earthly pursuit.
Attainment of territory best used for meditation. Unused ground.

2. A mysterious masked man moves at night across in the city of
bridges. The sky is cloudy. A powerful position. The stalker.
Bad for marriage and fealty. Completely new situation. The end
and completion of a cycle. PORTA INFERNA. The wand of power.
The exorcist. The necromancer. Neuromancer. Astromancer. Music.
Rainbow colored night. Not partecipating in the carneval as yet.
The dreamer in ensueno. The absurdity of reincarnation. The man
that is you. Going about one's own secret paths. Independent.

3. The beloved. The womb of the beloved. Breadwinner. Temporarely
separated. Sexual life `suffers' rather short restraints. The
beautiful. Slight jealousy. The provider. A friendly position.

4. Perhaps the worst position, in that it symbolizes finity. The
end. Birth and death interlaced, but the accent is on the end.
Sometimes a situation having no development and the coming of
demons ever after. Every beginning is hard, better not start
anything with this position in your horary or event horoscope.

5. A gossiping fellow back in jail soon. A loving relationship
causes truouble due to a gossiping young man. He receives
money but is thrown to jail. Idle and evil tongues provoke
quarrel. This is like Mars in transit squaring the ascendant
of a Davison Relationship chart. The house of lust besieged.

6. Working afterhours. Partying after a work undone. One orgasm
only between you two? Too satisfied to do further hard work?

7. With one's own ego facing him, he makes progress and stirrs
sympathy. A work well done. Competence in the matter at hand.
Phalus as punisher. Supermodels as phallic symbol (Evangelista).

8. The womb. Woman demasked. Approachable. Some mental confusion.

9. The womb in the centre of an 8. The ideally shaped woman. To
watch. Bathing naked for hidden observers. A host of illusions.

10. The woman hand and her idle lover. Sexual favors. The kidnapped
lover. Something is yours that was not some time ago. Whose is it?

11. The womb. Two gentlemen cross their swords on a bridge. Friendly
contest, rather than fight to death. Fighting for the resources.

12. The magical touch. Incantation. Seduced by the spirit. Casanova.
The medium. Masonry. Matriarchate. The ancestress. SVMMVM BONVM.

You are welcome to visit the Quaoar working laboratory and report.
http://puck.dhs.org/quaoar t8@puck.dhs.org Oct 16 15:20:53 GMT 2002
kaxanova@sdf.lonestar.org (Kaxanova Zakomo) wrote in message news:<a30c0b10.0210140654.4330e5fe@posting.google.com>...
> Astronomicon - The Manifest of Astr@logy for the Astromancer
> We want to use astrology at will, interpret at will and discreate
> the influences at will. Our will shalt be truewill.
> Our maps will not suffer miscalculation and misinterpretation.
> Everybody is free to interpret for himself. He does not have to
> comply to old categories made by bored minds. One can have fun.
> An astrological influence coming from the false mind will never
> disturb the serene dance of the truemind.
> One is free to discreate his own and his fellow's upcoming bad
> transit, reinterpreting futurities in recreating the MartiX.
> The Moon Matrix feeds TrueMind and the Sun pertains to the false
> ego. This puts astr@logy close to vedic principles and astronomy.
> Astronomy shall be cherished to the detriment of one slice charlatans.
> Our omniverse shalt have many slices joining many astrologies
> from old native indian to true vedic and old chinese. All lovely
> constellations will join the interpretation. No longer shalt we
> be bound with the 12 signs only. The Rabbit Steps of the Navajo
> will be compatible but unequal to the chinese and egiptian stars.
> There are already able astrologers doing their own research in
> the influence of classes of objects like the main belters, the
> centaur objects and new giant transneptuners. Some extend their
> research to deep sky objects or Earth's `second moon' Cruithne.
> Archeastrology will fluorish. Zecharia Sitchin's ideas will be
> put into daily use. Omniverse will change daily and be adapted
> to, like in a dynamic life. Stalled ideas will be discarded with
> a yawn. Junk kookbooks will be left to their fate.
> The object and not it's name shalt be studied.
> For 200 years Vesta, Ceres and Pallas were the largest asteroids.
> Varuna, Ixion and 2002 AW197 announced 2002 LM60 (proposed name
> `Quaoar'), H 1.6, as large as all asteroids put together. Simscans,
> ephemeris, wheel charts, delineation proposals, examples and fellow
> transeptunes frequently updated on http://puck.dhs.org/quaoar
> _
> http://puck.dhs.org/quaoar 2002 LM60 the new astrological object
> A) Preparing a chart. How to obtain the _exact_ natal positions.
> Precise Moon's position. Topocentric ephemeris. Our calculations
> will excell in precision and the prediction will be exact to the
> minute. Why most of the charts on Earth are miscalculated?
> B) "Handsfree Astrology". How to predict the year and the month
> of the event without any use of tools like ephemeris or PC
> programs. Primary directions. I Ching Aspectarian. Kabala.
> C) Orbital simulation and NASA JPL HORIZONS. Obtaining the ephemeris
> of any object. Calculating the horoscope from any object (e.g.
> Eroscentrical). Using Harvard MPC data in orbital simulation.
> Updating the asteroid data base on daily basis.
> D) Centaur Objects. Hylonome, Chariklo, Chiron, Pholus, Nessus,
> Asbolus, 1994TA Pylenor, 2000QC243, 2001PT13 and others.
> E) 2002 LM60 Quaoar. New giant transneptunes. Ixion. 2002 AW197.
> Varuna. 2002 KX14, 2001 UR163. Chaos. Rhadamanthus. 1992QB1.
> F) Bavarian hypotheticals; the "Dark Planets".
> G) Special objects and groups of objects, e.g. Earth's `second
> moon' trojan Cruithne, Damocles, Cassini Lilith, Amors, Atens,
> Apollos, Hilda, comets, brown dwarfs, Nibiru; planetary nodes,
> Janus, Chiron, Vesta, Pholus nodes; Raziel, Devil's Rose.
> H) Stargate. Major stars. Star primary direction . Deep Sky Objects.
> I) The use of the Lords of the Houses in directional and horary
> Astrology. Charting extreme latitudes.
> J) ASTROMAJIK Majikal initiation into the secrets of Astrologix?
> What in fact are the 360 degrees? Inorganic initiators. Majikal
> evocation. Star spirits. Enchanted degrees. The Coocoon. Vedas.
> Omniverse. Triangulating your own guardian angel. Treasure maps.
> ASTR@NOMICON - an @dventurity in ASTR@LOGY for the ASTR@MANCER
> Pucket Dictionary, a Guide to http://ghettobox.dhs.org/pucklist
> Some odd words need extra elucidation and here's them do it:
> voladeros = los voladeros, a Carlos Castaneda hallmark for a
> sort of private inorganic devil, the flyer :::
> the real enemy of man that makes man an useless
> repetitious and predictable being, instead of the
> majikal infinite being he was born into this world
> as the voladero feeds upon man's energy and emotional
> emanation (thus monks train not to have emotions, or
> observe them in `witness' fashion) /1/
> futurity = a possible future, one of the possible futures out
> of an infinite choice of futures (adventurity is a
> possible adventure)
> ming = mind |:| like a shining clear device
> true mind = the original mind, zen mind, prenatal, true self
> deedeelike, purposeful, concentrated, meditating,
> meeting pleasant trinkets of consciousness, unexpected,
> inner silence, intent, lunar mind
> false mind = the solar ego, voladero install, default mind, one
> size fits all, cheap daily mind everybody uses,
> paranoid, grotesque, hideous, reserved, protective,
> frenetically on guard, on tiptoe, cunning, baroque,
> predatory, hungry, contradictory, ill tempered,
> dexterlike, in fear of being discovered, worried,
> problem creating, believer, the mark of the beast,
> uniform, egomaniacal, competing, routine, rat race,
> hopes and fears, pastoral, binary minded, dies irae
> dictating, hateful, gothic, dark, unconcentrated,
> uncaring, heavy, greedy, overambitious, solar mind
> two minds = man has apparently only the daily idiotical routine
> mind, the one-size-fits-all mind, with it's ideals
> of `the purse full of gold and the hand of Helen of
> Troy' (quoting Crowley), but there is yet another
> hidden original mind, forgotten perhaps by the age of
> three, true mind; Osho suggests to get rid of the
> false (that is daily, the `only one we know') mind
> sensei = the initiated mind is it's own guru or a combination
> of sense and guru; it has sensei to meditate now
> devel = diaboladero, diavoladero, the devil, personal devil,
> an inorganic being, ruler of this world (of man, the
> devil has nothing to do with cows), an old form of
> the word `devil', possibly of mid-eastern origin
> discreate = to turn the laserbeam spotlight of one's purposeful
> and concentrated truemind with truewill towards
> the truly noble object (discreating is a way of
> saying, deconcentrating on the negativity); to
> dissolve negativities in the mental, astral and
> the physical domain (as well as the casual/akasa)
> intent = intentido, a higher function of true self, the active
> side of infinity (ananta), 5th attention
> attention = first attention - karma yoga - physical body environment
> second attention - bhakti yoga - awake in dreamworld
> third attention - raja yoga - hells and paradises
> fourth attention - jnana yoga - transcending false ego
> fifth attention - sahaja yoga - intentido!
> astr@logy = helping the rural people for a better planet
> /1/ http://groups.google.com search for `voladeros'
> Chinese called them `thunders'
> We call them devils `put aside for us'
> Some have names like in Shakespeare's King Lear
> Voladeros are inorganic beings from outer space
> The mind we use most of the time is not ours, it is theirs
> Our original (zen!) mind is hardly in use
> One can must discard the false ego and regain true mind
> Discipline achieves true mind
> Discipline is defined as the openess to surprise in little things
> Dee Dee is Dexter's sister in the cartoon and good example of truemind
> Dexter is too preocupied and self centered, even afraid of being
> discovered, and thus a negaitive example of false ego!
> The whole of our civilization fosters the false ego
> The devil is the ruler of this world of men
> You can shake off the devil with discipline (controlled folly)
> Dogma and systems of beliefs are the voladero's installation
> so that it can keep man under control
> The best way to control man is to install an alien mind into him
> `Do not fight evil!'
> Our Lord Jesus Christ was tempted by the voladero in the desert
> A winner over the voladero can become an inorganic being himself
> Untill you become as small children
> A rich man will never reach devahan
> The conclusion is that there's nothing genuine for your true mind
> in places like stock exchange, competitive enterprises, i.e. in the
> western capitalist world
> A cult comic, Cry for Dawn, comments this often and delineates
> Ci piace volare altri. Ma vogliamo soddisfare anche chi resta
> sempre un po' con i piedi per terra. Fly others, help'em walk.
> Program * http://puck.dhs.org * I Ching * Astr@logy * O5 Majik
> The busy man at the airport perhaps closed his eyes for a second.
> You don't know it, but he's just set up the vibration for his
> interview. Yes he created an event ahead. Perhaps timed it, if
> he's a `snowcrashing' O5 master.
> What does this mean? That people can actually create events out
> of the blue? Which people? Is that legal?
> In O5 we trust.
> O5 is a natural active prayer. We just help God tidying up a bit.
> Suggest a butterfly there, a blue sky here. Everybody imagines
> mental pictures, sometimes full of emotion. Deliberate imagination
> upon a clear silver screen begins as fiction factory and ends up
> materialized, one lives his dream. Life has been meant to.
> While your kind religious upbringing prepares the soul for self
> remembering, O5 is just a tool, the hand of man, perhaps touching
> the Hand of God. It's a nice tool coming from Tibet.
> Welcome to it!
> If you are reading this, you are liable to know much about astrology.
> What about the new and thrilling centaurean astrology? Ever heard
> about the new gigantic transneptuners? Yes, our knowledge of the
> solar system improved drastically in the past decan. The most important
> discoveries in the past 200 years have been made a couple of years ago.
> I Ching is nothing new, of course. Perhaps the approach may change.
> If you are an astrologer, you might use it for delineating directions.
> If you just like to get a host of answers to your questions, you are
> welcome to. But it would be nice to learn some operative I Ching
> basics. We are resourceful. Take your time.
> The =O5= formula, publications, logo, methods and procedures
> are (C) Copyright 1994-2002 Klaudio Zic. tarant8l@freenet.am
> for information and eventual further publishing permission.
> Discreation basic formula
> INTEND your goal.
> 1. MERGE with the OBSTACLE:
> 2. Expand with the OBSTACLE as you breath it in.
> 3. Exit and LABEL the OBSTACLE for deletion.
> 4. Disclaim the OBSTACLE as your own now useless creation.
> reINTEND your goal.
> O5 is available through http://groups.google.com and the
> mailing list archives http://www.escribe.com/theory/puck
> It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
> It is by INTENT that my
> thoughts acquire speed,
> The dream acquires form,
> The form pervades certainty.
> It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
> Dyads/tuition by e-mail: t8@puck.dhs.org http://puck.dhs.org/
> To join O5 mailing list, mail majordomo@ghettobox.dhs.org
> with the message `subscribe puck' in the body of the letter.
> For 200 years Vesta, Ceres and Pallas were the largest asteroids.
> Varuna, Ixion and 2002 AW197 announced 2002 LM60 (proposed name
> `Quaoar'), H 1.6, larger than all asteroids put together. Simscans,
> ephemeris, wheel charts, delineation proposals, examples and fellow
> transeptunes frequently updated http://puck.dhs.org/quaoar
> These are some of the `standard objects' in astronomicon. The
> astromancing days begun with the discoveriey of the first transneptune
> in 1992 and the introduction of the centaur objects in astr@logy.
> <SNIP>
> D) Centaur Objects. Hylonome, Chariklo, Chiron, Pholus, Nessus,
> Asbolus, 1994TA Pylenor, 2000QC243, 2001PT13 and others.
> E) 2002 LM60 Quaoar. New giant transneptunes. Ixion. 2002 AW197.
> Varuna. 2002 KX14. 2001 UR163. Chaos. Rhadamanthus. 1992QB1.
> F) Bavarian hypotheticals; the "Dark Planets". </SNIP>
> http://puck.dhs.org/quaoar 2002 LM60 the new astrological object

Kaxanova Zakomo (17-10-2002)
Fra : Kaxanova Zakomo

Dato : 17-10-02 12:46

Astronomicon - Quaoar in Majik - The 12 Horary Houses of Molly

Quaoar 2002 LM60 Kuiper Belt Object and transneptune is the
greatest discovery since Pluto. Oversizing all the asteroids
put together, this object is of considerable importance to
our civilization, astronomy, sitchiniana, majik and astr@logy.
Quaoar is currently at 11 sag.

Quaoar in the 12 Majikal Houses - A Horary Majikian's Manual

1. Quaoar in the first house can be used for kundalini majik,
_if_ the practicant knows what he does. On the whole if one
can wait for a better time, he is advised to skip the operation.
Travel spells are perhaps favored and majikal parties arranged.

2. The Great Work. The 4 women stalkers supporting their Nagual.
The untruncated pyramid. He who climbs loses the world below.
The progressing airplane seems small. Distant goals seem so
vague. In the case of the pyramid, diminishing is progressing.
Nothing is at the top. Nothing has a stong basis. Quaoar was
labeled `Magister Templi' in one annotation. However, it may
rule Binah. Let this degree remain secret for the time being
and the purpose of this article. The second house is PORTA
INFERNA and in hell even Carlos Castaneda works. Good for
material gains connected with one's mission. Treasure charts
are futurity blueprints. Measure seven times, then cut. A
perfect plan. All goes according to masterplan. 3Jane. Partners
split and form their own enterprizes. Go your own way, then.
Get rid of old majik tools and procedures, make space for new.

3. Do not rush. At this horary time await. In a hour or two the
constellations will warrant a prosperous issue. In the meantime
have fun or take a trip. Do not forget to avoid the evil star
of Alpha Serpentis, too. /1/ If you must use Quaoar with this
position, do avoid 22 sco in the same house or prominent /2/

4. A good position to help a friend victimized by drugs. Also for
those who have nightmares. Sometimes they are the blessed ones
but in this case nightmares can be true astral assaults. In war
this position is one of vigil. Night attacks expected. Towers
are taken. Weaklings and double tongues are dislodged. One does
not easily use his majikal weapons. A new lodge and order is
proclaimed at this time. Dislodging. Sol in Gemini. Sol in Taurus.

5. This position is perhaps the most favored of all. The majikian
abandons any interest in mundane matters. This is the true and
lofty Astromancer. Excellent time for astrology matters. Ascent
in rank and title. One is welcome by gods. Entering the perfect
world. Karma is discreated. The witness technique. Om saksi aham.
Nemo. Disinteressed but successful. What a sublime opportunity!

6. Toil, fight, responsability, too much opposing forces, too eager
to do it right, too much fire. Even if all is well planned and
orderly, the excessive amount of zeal leads to dissapointment
(like in extreme militant nationalism) and the end is oblivion.
Very evil for love majik. Not very good for an attack. Pause.

7. Peace. Natural flow. No need for celibacy. The lower three
cakras at work (as in Three of Cups). Perhaps having no wish at
all or diminishing one's ambitions and actions. Rest. Giving in.

8. `We love you, CatMother!'. This is Molly's (Neuromancer) position.
All is fair in love and war. A divine fiery woman brings about
unexpected events. The matter at hand can be divined, though.

9. And there were two. Twin stalkers. Twin dreamers. Twin dragons.
Lodges clashing after walking together for some time. Physical
fight (Molly breaks her leg). The MatriX has you! Grin and be out
of it fast. 3Jane and Molly in apparent fight. Jacob at Peniel.

10. Let the sun shine. Aspiration to the great boss. But the Beast
can bite! Be sure of your rank. Towards savikalpa samadhi, but
one has still a gross ego on his back. Los Voladeros. There and
back, as Tolkien would. Retreat if attacked. Anahata. False Mind.

11. Enochian towers. Speak the password. A stable situation. Something
is coocking. Sexual tantra. Access Granted. In the Straylight Villa.

12. Use less majikal power or even skip this, or better, do it quickly.
O5 CASCADE. Do not demostrate your powers. Do not let anyone look
into your Sanctuary. The crypt. The last attack of Los Voladeros.

(C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved http://puck.dhs.org


Alpha Serpentis, a traditionally evil horary star.

º UnukalHai 15h44m22s3 6ø25'10" 267ø01'12" 6ø05'28" º
º alfSer 22ø06'15" Sco 25n31 27Li19.8 MC 28Sc20 º
º _________________________________________________________________________ º

/2/ Such as conjunct a significator.

<MAJIK> Quaoar 2002 LM60 http://puck.dhs.org/quaoar


Majikal influence of Quaoar 2002 - 2005 excluding sigils and
talismans for travel and good luck on the sea.

Quaoar influences majikally in threefold ways during the next
three years. This is for general reference and cannot be used
for talisman and sigil production in this form and as presented.

FIRST MAJIKAL INFLUENCE - Traveling Astromancer

Quaoar protects the traveler. As Coelho's Alchemist, the traveler
is likely to return and find his prize besides his old hearth.
Gales and hurricanes are warded off using a certain talisman and
sigil. Long travel initiated by the current position is likely
to meet unwanted drawbacks. A `member of the crew' can oppose the
project. Like Crowley in Khaled Khan or Hesse in Journey to the
East, a bad star appears and it's demons. PRAESAEPE. One talks
the demons away. The company `of the Ring' will have quarrels,
all ends well. rescue missions are favored by this first influence.

SECOND MAJIKAL INFLUENCE - Astronomicon Incantations

Ethical majikians will be trained in evocation. Evocation is also
a communication with a star-spirit, or a planetary god. ASTRONOMY
DOMINE as Pink Floyd would. The astromancer induces a trance and
receives and discusses with this second influence. Powerful majik
words will dominate every spirit as this initation is received by
a highly ethical and balanced adept.


Astrology is an astral science. In this initiation, the astromamcer
learns his way about in the astral kingdom. The incipient student
practices lucid dreaming and O5 basics.

In this phase, meeting hostile entities assumes dramatical dimensions.

FURTHER INFLUENCES - Kabala and Finance - 2004

The two subsequent initiations will be kabala or the use of word and
color. Trade and monetary matters, the make of coins, is the next
initiation. Like the Euro, a new global currency may well be imminent.

First class finantial training, events and gain. One currency to bind
'em all. Finantial domination and the science of creating a large
profit. Monopoly. The incipient majikian learns finantioal O5 first.

See also 2002 AW197 finantiasteroid below or from webpage


http://puck.dhs.org/quaoar 2002 LM60 the new astrological object

Ci piace volare altri. Ma vogliamo soddisfare anche chi resta
sempre un po' con i piedi per terra. Fly others, help'em walk.

Program * http://puck.dhs.org * I Ching * Astr@logy * O5 Majik

The busy man at the airport perhaps closed his eyes for a second.
You don't know it, but he's just set up the vibration for his
interview. Yes he created an event ahead. Perhaps timed it, if
he's a `snowcrashing' O5 master.

What does this mean? That people can actually create events out
of the blue? Which people? Is that legal?

In O5 we trust.

O5 is a natural active prayer. We just help God tidying up a bit.
Suggest a butterfly there, a blue sky here. Everybody imagines
mental pictures, sometimes full of emotion. Deliberate imagination
upon a clear silver screen begins as fiction factory and ends up
materialized, one lives his dream. Life has been meant to.

While your kind religious upbringing prepares the soul for self
remembering, O5 is just a tool, the hand of man, perhaps touching
the Hand of God. It's a nice tool coming from Tibet.

Welcome to it!

If you are reading this, you are liable to know much about astrology.
What about the new and thrilling centaurean astrology? Ever heard
about the new gigantic transneptuners? Yes, our knowledge of the
solar system improved drastically in the past decan. The most important
discoveries in the past 200 years have been made a couple of years ago.

I Ching is nothing new, of course. Perhaps the approach may change.
If you are an astrologer, you might use it for delineating directions.
If you just like to get a host of answers to your questions, you are
welcome to. But it would be nice to learn some operative I Ching
basics. We are resourceful. Take your time.

The =O5= formula, publications, logo, methods and procedures
are (C) Copyright 1994-2002 Klaudio Zic. tarant8l@freenet.am
for information and eventual further publishing permission.

Discreation basic formula
INTEND your goal.
1. MERGE with the OBSTACLE:
2. Expand with the OBSTACLE as you breath it in.
3. Exit and LABEL the OBSTACLE for deletion.
4. Disclaim the OBSTACLE as your own now useless creation.
reINTEND your goal.

O5 is available through http://groups.google.com and the
mailing list archives http://www.escribe.com/theory/puck

It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
It is by INTENT that my
thoughts acquire speed,

The dream acquires form,
The form pervades certainty.
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.

Dyads/tuition by e-mail: t8@puck.dhs.org http://puck.dhs.org/

To join O5 mailing list, mail majordomo@ghettobox.dhs.org
with the message `subscribe puck' in the body of the letter.

Astr@logy 2003 Services

BASIC 150 $

O5 2 weeks e-mail tuition futurechanger
Astr@logy 6 months predictions rock solid
||| I Ching 5 answers

BONUS 300 $

O5 4 weeks e-mail tuition cascade
Astr@logy 12 months predictions centaurs
||| I Ching 10 answers


O5 12 weeks e-mail tuition events creation
Astr@logy 1 Mb material complete service
||| I Ching 108 answers indulge in asking since 1977

ASTROLOGICAL TUITION http://puck.dhs.org /reports

A) Preparing a chart. How to obtain the _exact_ natal positions.
Precise Moon's position. Topocentric ephemeris. Our calculations
will excell in precision and the prediction will be exact to the
minute. Why most of the charts on Earth are miscalculated?
B) "Handsfree Astrology". How to predict the year and the month
of the event without any use of tools like ephemeris or PC
programs. Primary directions. I Ching Aspectarian. Kabala.
C) Orbital simulation and NASA JPL HORIZONS. Obtaining the ephemeris
of any object. Calculating the horoscope from any object (e.g.
Eroscentrical). Using Harvard MPC data in orbital simulation.
Updating the asteroid data base on daily basis.
D) Centaur Objects. Hylonome, Chariklo, Chiron, Pholus, Nessus,
Asbolus, 1994TA Pylenor, 2000QC243, 2001PT13 and others.
E) 2002 LM60 Quaoar. New giant transneptunes. Ixion. 2002 AW197.
Varuna. 2002 KX14, 2001 UR163. Chaos. Rhadamanthus. 1992QB1.
F) Bavarian hypotheticals; the "Dark Planets".
G) Special objects and groups of objects, e.g. Earth's `second
moon' trojan Cruithne, Damocles, Cassini Lilith, Amors, Atens,
Apollos, Hilda, comets, brown dwarfs, Nibiru; planetary nodes,
Janus, Chiron, Vesta, Pholus nodes; Raziel, Devil's Rose.
H) Stargate. Major stars. Primary direction of a star.
I) The use of the Lords of the Houses in directional and horary
Astrology. Charting extreme latitudes.
J) ASTROMAJIK Majikal initiation into the secrets of Astrologix?
What in fact are the 360 degrees? Inorganic initiators. Majikal
evocation. Star spirits. Enchanted degrees. The Coocoon. Vedas.
Omniverse. Triangulating your own guardian angel. Treasure maps.

Klaudio Zic, Personal Astr@loger, I Ching Expert, O5 Futurechanger
(C) 2002 Klaudio Zic tarant8l@wind.freenet.am http://puck.dhs.org

* All the loves in one's life
* Relationship predictions
* Timing love affairs
* Marriage, children, compatibility
* Surprises, windfalls, lottery
* Business issues
* Timing your decisions
* Life choices
* Spiritual guidance
* Direct intervention in the structure of the future
* Empowerment, motivation, initiation
* Manifest what you _really_ want!
* Skywatch including centaurs and transneptuners
* Exclusive: Dark Planets

Pucket Dictionary, a Guide to http://ghettobox.dhs.org/pucklist

Some odd words need extra elucidation and here's them do it:

voladeros = los voladeros, a Carlos Castaneda hallmark for a
sort of private inorganic devil, the flyer :::
the real enemy of man that makes man an useless
repetitious and predictable being, instead of the
majikal infinite being he was born into this world
as the voladero feeds upon man's energy and emotional
emanation (thus monks train not to have emotions, or
observe them in `witness' fashion) /1/

futurity = a possible future, one of the possible futures out
of an infinite choice of futures (adventurity is a
possible adventure)

ming = mind |:| like a shining clear device

true mind = the original mind, zen mind, prenatal, true self
deedeelike, purposeful, concentrated, meditating,
meeting pleasant trinkets of consciousness, unexpected,
inner silence, intent, lunar mind

false mind = the solar ego, voladero install, default mind, one
size fits all, cheap daily mind everybody uses,
paranoid, grotesque, hideous, reserved, protective,
frenetically on guard, on tiptoe, cunning, baroque,
predatory, hungry, contradictory, ill tempered,
dexterlike, in fear of being discovered, worried,
problem creating, believer, the mark of kaxanova@sdf.lonestar.org (Kaxanova Zakomo) wrote in message news:<a30c0b10.0210140654.4330e5fe@posting.google.com>...
> Astronomicon - The Manifest of Astr@logy for the Astromancer
> We want to use astrology at will, interpret at will and discreate
> the influences at will. Our will shalt be truewill.
> Our maps will not suffer miscalculation and misinterpretation.
> Everybody is free to interpret for himself. He does not have to
> comply to old categories made by bored minds. One can have fun.
> An astrological influence coming from the false mind will never
> disturb the serene dance of the truemind.
> One is free to discreate his own and his fellow's upcoming bad
> transit, reinterpreting futurities in recreating the MartiX.
> The Moon Matrix feeds TrueMind and the Sun pertains to the false
> ego. This puts astr@logy close to vedic principles and astronomy.
> Astronomy shall be cherished to the detriment of one slice charlatans.
> Our omniverse shalt have many slices joining many astrologies
> from old native indian to true vedic and old chinese. All lovely
> constellations will join the interpretation. No longer shalt we
> be bound with the 12 signs only. The Rabbit Steps of the Navajo
> will be compatible but unequal to the chinese and egiptian stars.
> There are already able astrologers doing their own research in
> the influence of classes of objects like the main belters, the
> centaur objects and new giant transneptuners. Some extend their
> research to deep sky objects or Earth's `second moon' Cruithne.
> Archeastrology will fluorish. Zecharia Sitchin's ideas will be
> put into daily use. Omniverse will change daily and be adapted
> to, like in a dynamic life. Stalled ideas will be discarded with
> a yawn. Junk kookbooks will be left to their fate.
> The object and not it's name shalt be studied.
> For 200 years Vesta, Ceres and Pallas were the largest asteroids.
> Varuna, Ixion and 2002 AW197 announced 2002 LM60 (proposed name
> `Quaoar'), H 1.6, as large as all asteroids put together. Simscans,
> ephemeris, wheel charts, delineation proposals, examples and fellow
> transeptunes frequently updated on http://puck.dhs.org/quaoar
> _
> http://puck.dhs.org/quaoar 2002 LM60 the new astrological object
> A) Preparing a chart. How to obtain the _exact_ natal positions.
> Precise Moon's position. Topocentric ephemeris. Our calculations
> will excell in precision and the prediction will be exact to the
> minute. Why most of the charts on Earth are miscalculated?
> B) "Handsfree Astrology". How to predict the year and the month
> of the event without any use of tools like ephemeris or PC
> programs. Primary directions. I Ching Aspectarian. Kabala.
> C) Orbital simulation and NASA JPL HORIZONS. Obtaining the ephemeris
> of any object. Calculating the horoscope from any object (e.g.
> Eroscentrical). Using Harvard MPC data in orbital simulation.
> Updating the asteroid data base on daily basis.
> D) Centaur Objects. Hylonome, Chariklo, Chiron, Pholus, Nessus,
> Asbolus, 1994TA Pylenor, 2000QC243, 2001PT13 and others.
> E) 2002 LM60 Quaoar. New giant transneptunes. Ixion. 2002 AW197.
> Varuna. 2002 KX14, 2001 UR163. Chaos. Rhadamanthus. 1992QB1.
> F) Bavarian hypotheticals; the "Dark Planets".
> G) Special objects and groups of objects, e.g. Earth's `second
> moon' trojan Cruithne, Damocles, Cassini Lilith, Amors, Atens,
> Apollos, Hilda, comets, brown dwarfs, Nibiru; planetary nodes,
> Janus, Chiron, Vesta, Pholus nodes; Raziel, Devil's Rose.
> H) Stargate. Major stars. Star primary direction . Deep Sky Objects.
> I) The use of the Lords of the Houses in directional and horary
> Astrology. Charting extreme latitudes.
> J) ASTROMAJIK Majikal initiation into the secrets of Astrologix?
> What in fact are the 360 degrees? Inorganic initiators. Majikal
> evocation. Star spirits. Enchanted degrees. The Coocoon. Vedas.
> Omniverse. Triangulating your own guardian angel. Treasure maps.
> ASTR@NOMICON - an @dventurity in ASTR@LOGY for the ASTR@MANCER
> Pucket Dictionary, a Guide to http://ghettobox.dhs.org/pucklist
> Some odd words need extra elucidation and here's them do it:
> voladeros = los voladeros, a Carlos Castaneda hallmark for a
> sort of private inorganic devil, the flyer :::
> the real enemy of man that makes man an useless
> repetitious and predictable being, instead of the
> majikal infinite being he was born into this world
> as the voladero feeds upon man's energy and emotional
> emanation (thus monks train not to have emotions, or
> observe them in `witness' fashion) /1/
> futurity = a possible future, one of the possible futures out
> of an infinite choice of futures (adventurity is a
> possible adventure)
> ming = mind |:| like a shining clear device
> true mind = the original mind, zen mind, prenatal, true self
> deedeelike, purposeful, concentrated, meditating,
> meeting pleasant trinkets of consciousness, unexpected,
> inner silence, intent, lunar mind
> false mind = the solar ego, voladero install, default mind, one
> size fits all, cheap daily mind everybody uses,
> paranoid, grotesque, hideous, reserved, protective,
> frenetically on guard, on tiptoe, cunning, baroque,
> predatory, hungry, contradictory, ill tempered,
> dexterlike, in fear of being discovered, worried,
> problem creating, believer, the mark of the beast,
> uniform, egomaniacal, competing, routine, rat race,
> hopes and fears, pastoral, binary minded, dies irae
> dictating, hateful, gothic, dark, unconcentrated,
> uncaring, heavy, greedy, overambitious, solar mind
> two minds = man has apparently only the daily idiotical routine
> mind, the one-size-fits-all mind, with it's ideals
> of `the purse full of gold and the hand of Helen of
> Troy' (quoting Crowley), but there is yet another
> hidden original mind, forgotten perhaps by the age of
> three, true mind; Osho suggests to get rid of the
> false (that is daily, the `only one we know') mind
> sensei = the initiated mind is it's own guru or a combination
> of sense and guru; it has sensei to meditate now
> devel = diaboladero, diavoladero, the devil, personal devil,
> an inorganic being, ruler of this world (of man, the
> devil has nothing to do with cows), an old form of
> the word `devil', possibly of mid-eastern origin
> discreate = to turn the laserbeam spotlight of one's purposeful
> and concentrated truemind with truewill towards
> the truly noble object (discreating is a way of
> saying, deconcentrating on the negativity); to
> dissolve negativities in the mental, astral and
> the physical domain (as well as the casual/akasa)
> intent = intentido, a higher function of true self, the active
> side of infinity (ananta), 5th attention
> attention = first attention - karma yoga - physical body environment
> second attention - bhakti yoga - awake in dreamworld
> third attention - raja yoga - hells and paradises
> fourth attention - jnana yoga - transcending false ego
> fifth attention - sahaja yoga - intentido!
> astr@logy = helping the rural people for a better planet
> /1/ http://groups.google.com search for `voladeros'
> Chinese called them `thunders'
> We call them devils `put aside for us'
> Some have names like in Shakespeare's King Lear
> Voladeros are inorganic beings from outer space
> The mind we use most of the time is not ours, it is theirs
> Our original (zen!) mind is hardly in use
> One can must discard the false ego and regain true mind
> Discipline achieves true mind
> Discipline is defined as the openess to surprise in little things
> Dee Dee is Dexter's sister in the cartoon and good example of truemind
> Dexter is too preocupied and self centered, even afraid of being
> discovered, and thus a negaitive example of false ego!
> The whole of our civilization fosters the false ego
> The devil is the ruler of this world of men
> You can shake off the devil with discipline (controlled folly)
> Dogma and systems of beliefs are the voladero's installation
> so that it can keep man under control
> The best way to control man is to install an alien mind into him
> `Do not fight evil!'
> Our Lord Jesus Christ was tempted by the voladero in the desert
> A winner over the voladero can become an inorganic being himself
> Untill you become as small children
> A rich man will never reach devahan
> The conclusion is that there's nothing genuine for your true mind
> in places like stock exchange, competitive enterprises, i.e. in the
> western capitalist world
> A cult comic, Cry for Dawn, comments this often and delineates
> Ci piace volare altri. Ma vogliamo soddisfare anche chi resta
> sempre un po' con i piedi per terra. Fly others, help'em walk.
> Program * http://puck.dhs.org * I Ching * Astr@logy * O5 Majik
> The busy man at the airport perhaps closed his eyes for a second.
> You don't know it, but he's just set up the vibration for his
> interview. Yes he created an event ahead. Perhaps timed it, if
> he's a `snowcrashing' O5 master.
> What does this mean? That people can actually create events out
> of the blue? Which people? Is that legal?
> In O5 we trust.
> O5 is a natural active prayer. We just help God tidying up a bit.
> Suggest a butterfly there, a blue sky here. Everybody imagines
> mental pictures, sometimes full of emotion. Deliberate imagination
> upon a clear silver screen begins as fiction factory and ends up
> materialized, one lives his dream. Life has been meant to.
> While your kind religious upbringing prepares the soul for self
> remembering, O5 is just a tool, the hand of man, perhaps touching
> the Hand of God. It's a nice tool coming from Tibet.
> Welcome to it!
> If you are reading this, you are liable to know much about astrology.
> What about the new and thrilling centaurean astrology? Ever heard
> about the new gigantic transneptuners? Yes, our knowledge of the
> solar system improved drastically in the past decan. The most important
> discoveries in the past 200 years have been made a couple of years ago.
> I Ching is nothing new, of course. Perhaps the approach may change.
> If you are an astrologer, you might use it for delineating directions.
> If you just like to get a host of answers to your questions, you are
> welcome to. But it would be nice to learn some operative I Ching
> basics. We are resourceful. Take your time.
> The =O5= formula, publications, logo, methods and procedures
> are (C) Copyright 1994-2002 Klaudio Zic. tarant8l@freenet.am
> for information and eventual further publishing permission.
> Discreation basic formula
> INTEND your goal.
> 1. MERGE with the OBSTACLE:
> 2. Expand with the OBSTACLE as you breath it in.
> 3. Exit and LABEL the OBSTACLE for deletion.
> 4. Disclaim the OBSTACLE as your own now useless creation.
> reINTEND your goal.
> O5 is available through http://groups.google.com and the
> mailing list archives http://www.escribe.com/theory/puck
> It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
> It is by INTENT that my
> thoughts acquire speed,
> The dream acquires form,
> The form pervades certainty.
> It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
> Dyads/tuition by e-mail: t8@puck.dhs.org http://puck.dhs.org/
> To join O5 mailing list, mail majordomo@ghettobox.dhs.org
> with the message `subscribe puck' in the body of the letter.
> For 200 years Vesta, Ceres and Pallas were the largest asteroids.
> Varuna, Ixion and 2002 AW197 announced 2002 LM60 (proposed name
> `Quaoar'), H 1.6, larger than all asteroids put together. Simscans,
> ephemeris, wheel charts, delineation proposals, examples and fellow
> transeptunes frequently updated http://puck.dhs.org/quaoar
> These are some of the `standard objects' in astronomicon. The
> astromancing days begun with the discoveriey of the first transneptune
> in 1992 and the introduction of the centaur objects in astr@logy.
> <SNIP>
> D) Centaur Objects. Hylonome, Chariklo, Chiron, Pholus, Nessus,
> Asbolus, 1994TA Pylenor, 2000QC243, 2001PT13 and others.
> E) 2002 LM60 Quaoar. New giant transneptunes. Ixion. 2002 AW197.
> Varuna. 2002 KX14. 2001 UR163. Chaos. Rhadamanthus. 1992QB1.
> F) Bavarian hypotheticals; the "Dark Planets". </SNIP>
> http://puck.dhs.org/quaoar 2002 LM60 the new astrological object

Quaoar (10-01-2003)
Fra : Quaoar

Dato : 10-01-03 15:42

Three new giant transneptunes found. http://puck.dhs.org


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