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Zorki rangefinder - erfaring?
Fra : JOL

Dato : 23-09-02 18:59


Jeg har i flere år brugt et Zenit Spejlrefleks men overvejer at anskaffe et
Zorki 'rangefinder' som supplement - f.eks. model 3 med en Jupiter-8 2,0/50.
Hvis der er nogen her i NG som bruger, eller engang har brugt, Zorki, kunne
jeg godt tænke mig en vurdering af kvaliteten. Også gerne af optikken.


Niels Ebbesen (23-09-2002)
Fra : Niels Ebbesen

Dato : 23-09-02 20:22

JOL wrote:

> jeg godt tænke mig en vurdering af kvaliteten. Også gerne af optikken.

Jeg vil ikke kalde dette her for en vurdering, men tilbage i min ungdom
(for 25 år siden) havde jeg en bekendt der fotograferede med Zenit og
Zorki kameraer, og dengang var jeg meget overrasket over deres gode
optiske kvalitet, det var dog nogle meget tunge og klodsede kopier af
h.h.v. Nikon og Leica, og jeg erindrer et eller andet med, at de ikke
var så mekanisk stabile.

| Med venlig hilsen - Niels Riis Ebbesen |
| http://www.niels-ebbesen.net - Free-lance grafik & webdesign |
| http://www.photo-gallery.dk - Skandinaviens største fotoarkiv |
| http://home3.inet.tele.dk/elgo - Links til alverdens søgemaskiner |

Predrag Arsovski (25-09-2002)
Fra : Predrag Arsovski

Dato : 25-09-02 14:37

Sorry that I'm writing in english, but my written danish is not so good.
Currently I'm using Zorki 4K rangefinder camera with Industar 50mm F3.5
There are two kinds of russian cameras,ones that were made for domestic
market (former USSR) and the quality of these cameras
varies quite a lot,basically you never know what are you going to get.

If you stumble across russian camera that has latin letters on it instead of
cyrillic,that means that these cameras were made for export and
generally they are better,because of a more strict quality control.
I have one like that, and apparently it was produced in 1973.
It works perfect.

Optical quality is a very subjective term, I personally love Industar
lense.(and I heard that Jupiters can also be excellent).
Basically, most of the russian lenses are Carl Zeiss pre-WW II copies,and
there is definately something that I like in pictures that they produce.
Sharpness is definately not in the range of latest Leica,Canon or Nikon
prime lenses,but I find these quite sterile anyway
If you want pictures that look different, and you're not sharpness freak, I
would suggest that you try Zorki's and russian lenses.
They are quite cheap these days.

Interesting enough, I've send two of my slides made with Zorki from a first
film that I developed in Denmark, for an competition at
www.oresundnetwok.com .
I did not get the prize, but one of them was selected in 20 best picures
that are going to be exhibited around Sweden and maybe futher.
Here's a link,mine is sixth in the top row, one with shoes in frame.
If you need some more information about Russian cammeras I will be glad to
help you.
I apologize once again for writing in english


Predrag Arsovski

JOL (27-09-2002)
Fra : JOL

Dato : 27-09-02 17:22

"Predrag Arsovski" <arsovski_REMOVETHIS_@mail.dk> skrev i en meddelelse

> If you stumble across russian camera that has latin letters on it instead
> cyrillic,that means that these cameras were made for export and
> generally they are better,because of a more strict quality control.

I will keep that information in mind. On the other hand, a Russian camera
with cyrillic letters looks more "real" to me.

> Optical quality is a very subjective term, I personally love Industar
> lense.(and I heard that Jupiters can also be excellent).

I have very good experience with my Helios 44 (Zenit 11 & 12 XP). It's quite

> Basically, most of the russian lenses are Carl Zeiss pre-WW II copies,and
> there is definately something that I like in pictures that they produce.
> Sharpness is definately not in the range of latest Leica,Canon or Nikon
> prime lenses,but I find these quite sterile anyway
> If you want pictures that look different, and you're not sharpness freak,
> would suggest that you try Zorki's and russian lenses.
> They are quite cheap these days.

Of course the price matters - but there is nothing like a (heavy) manual
camera. All mistakes are made by me - not my camera.

> Interesting enough, I've send two of my slides made with Zorki from a
> film that I developed in Denmark, for an competition at
> www.oresundnetwok.com .
> I did not get the prize, but one of them was selected in 20 best picures
> that are going to be exhibited around Sweden and maybe futher.
> Here's a link,mine is sixth in the top row, one with shoes in frame.
> http://www.oresundnetwork.com/photo/dk_index.php

It's a very good photo, but too small to get an impression of your Zorki.

> If you need some more information about Russian cammeras I will be glad to
> help you.

That's very kind of you.

> I apologize once again for writing in english

That's all right!

> Sincerely,
> Predrag Arsovski

venlig hilsen
Joachim Larsen

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