On Tue, 10 Sep 2002 8:09:42 +0200, David Blangstrup wrote
(in message <0001HW.B9A3594600009297F0284600@news.cybercity.dk>):
> Nu har jeg jo respekt for Terminalen-->Jeg har gjort dette: [langt citat,
> spørgsmålet er i bunden]:
> With the release of 10.0.2, Apple has included an upgraded FTP server that
> makes it easier to control which directories FTP users can utilize. This is
> done using an 'ftpchroot' file, which makes each listed user's home
> directory
> appear as the root of the system via FTP, so there's no way they can move
> "up" out of their directories.
> Implementing 'ftpchroot' is quite simple, but it does require a bit of
> editing work as root. If you'd like to restrict your FTP users to their own
> directory, read the rest of this tip.
> This only works for users who exist as users on your system. You may want to
> create a generic 'ftpuser' for such purposes. For this example, we'll assume
> you have two users, 'tom' and 'ftpuser', and you'd like to restrict both of
> them to their home directories.
> 1. Open a terminal and type cd /etc to change into the 'etc' directory.
> 2. We'll use pico as the text editor, since this is a very simple file. Type
> sudo pico ftpchroot and enter your normal admin user's password when
> prompted.
> 3. When the file opens, simply type each user's short name on a line of its
> own:
> ftpuser
> tom
> 4. Save the file by typing Control-X.
> That's it! You've created the file you need to restrict FTP users' access.
> Sorry for det lange citat!
Jeg afsluttede med at taste Y, for det stod
> der at man skulle for at bekræfte. Var det rigtigt? Og da jeg lukkede
> Terminalen (med stort T) stod der, at jeg nu afbrød pico og bla bla. Er det
> så gennemført ellerŠ?
> - David
Nå, jeg har selv prøvet og logget ind som user:ftpuser og
password: anon ‹> men ovenstående har ikke virket, for man kan godt gå op i
direktoriet herfraŠ selvom man ikke har adgang. Hvad har jeg gjort forkert?
David Blangstrup
Allerød, Danmark