I'm attempting a rather ambitious, yet simple project. (!)
I'm looking for film-makers of any age and experience who would be
willing to document 10 mins of their life. You can film anything and
be anywhere. The only thing I ask is that you film continuously for
10mins. No cuts. Any video format will be accepted.
"Now, what's the point ?", I hear you ask.
Well, this is the one guideline you MUST follow :
I want you to record your footage on September 11th 2002 from :
0840-0850 New York, NY, USA Time. (8:40am)
This is the same as :
1240-1250 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) or UTC (Coordinated Universal
NOW, I am looking for one particular location to definitely be filmed.
I need someone in Manhattan to film the actual one minute silence at
8:46am. I'm not sure exactly where the largest gathering will be, but
if possible, be there. I have no problems will people filming other
gatherings in Manhattan at that time. This will pretty much be the
backbone of the documentary - "What happens around the world as
America reflects ?"
I'm also obviously interested in someone filming at the same time in
Afghanistan, although I realize at this stage that prospect is
Perhaps any news cameramen reading this would be interested ?
Not sure what time it'll be in your part of the world ?
Check this site :
Or contact me for help. Some examples include :
London 1340-1350
Los Angeles 0540-0550
Sydney 2240-2250
Mumbai 1840-1850
And so on...
Interested ? Well, I have all of 10 days to organize this baby.
Please email me ASAP and I'll give you all the info.
Mike Frencham