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3D Workshops, Warsaw, Poland
Fra : Michal Urzynicok

Dato : 30-08-02 16:46

Hello all,

I would like to invite people interested in CG to 3rd edition of 3D
Magazine's Workshops which will take place on 3,4 and 5 of October in
Warsaw, Poland in production studio PolAmer, Pulawska str.
Here's the "working" scheulde of our event:

Hardware patronate:
Intel - a producer of Intel(r) Pentium(r) 4 i Xeon(tm) processors

1st day - Thursday, 03.10.2002

10,00 10,30 Opening of DigiTechMedia 2002
10,30 12,00 discreet - 3ds max5 and plasma part 1
12,00 13,30 Alias|Wavefront - "Maya Getting Started" part 1
13,30 14,00 Art PN - special effects in car crashes simulation
14,00 14,30 Servodata - PNY Quadro professional graphics cards
14,30 15,30 Break
15,30 16,00 Wojtek Pazdur - Texturing of low poly objects for games
16,00 16,30 Aleksander Szkudlarek - Cloth simulation in Softimage|XSI
16,30 17,00 Szymon Masiak - SideFX Houdini 5.5
17,00 17,30 Marcin Czerwinski - Cinema 4D XL 8.0
17,30 18,00 Darek Plesniak - 2D into 3D - 3ds max workshops
18,00 18,45 Piotr Staszkiewicz - influence on hand painted textures and its
effect in own artists style and final renderings

2nd day - Friday, 04.10.2002

10,00 11,30 Alias|Wavefront - "Maya Getting Started" part 2
11,30 13,00 discreet - 3ds max 5 i plasma part 2
13,00 14,00 Maxon - own show
14,00 15,00 RealNetworks - Helix - First Comprehensive Open Standard for
Digital Media Delivery
15,00 15,30 Break
15,30 16,15 Staszek M±derek - Preproduction of "Stars in Black"
16,15 16,45 Panasonic
16,45 17,15 Radek Nowakowski - Organic modeling in LightWave
17,15 18,00 Tomasz Ja¶kowiec - Global Illumiantion unleashed
18,00 18,45 Lukasz Pazera - Smartgons in LightWave

3rd day - Saturday, 05.10.2002
10,00 11,30 discreet - 3ds max 5 i plasma part 3
11,30 13,00 Softimage - own show
13,00 14,00 Janusz Rupik PVP 2D, 3D and post-production software
14,00 15,00 Aram Multimedia
15,00 15,30 Break
15,30 16,30 Announcment of results of 6th edition of 3D Magazine Contest
16,30 17,30 Platige Image - special effects in film and TV
17,30 18,30 Tomek Baginski - The making of Cathedral - this year winner of
Siggraph 2002, full show of final animation "The Cathedral"

Soon we will create an info page with all necressary information.
The cost of full 3 day participation is about 30 euro.

Best regards,

--==| 3D Magazine |==--
Michal Urzynicok
tel. +48 32 230 98 63
mobile +48 609 571 363

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