Claus <> wrote:
> - Kan man ikke styre brugere+password (konti) centralt fra en server (á la
> Windows domæne) ? I dag er alle brugere oprettet på de enkelte maskiner, så
> kommer der en ny medarbejder skal jeg rende rundt og tilføje ham 15 gange.
Kommer an på OS X-versionen:
10.1: Kræver tilstedeværelsen af en OS X Server. Apple har et dokument
om denne opsætning "Understanding and Using NetInfo"
10.2: Kan tilsyneladende klare sig uden
Flg. sakset fra <>:
Each Mac OS X 10.2 user can access Microsoft's Active Directory without
the need for Mac OS X Server on the network, as was previously required.
Apple says that "Your network administrator can use the same password
authentication system that Windows people use, and can store your home
directory on a remote Windows server, if that's how your network is set
up." Jaguar includes a new application called Director Access in the
Utilities folder for configuration.
We asked Apple's Bill Evans to elaborate a bit, and he offered this:
Mac OS X v10.2 is based on a technology we call Open Directory that
manages all directory related services. The primary industry standard
for directory service protocols is LDAP and Open Directory provides full
support for LDAP. Our Open Directory technology and the Directory Access
application also gives Active Directory administrators the tools they
need to integrate Macs into Windows networks. With these tools, a user
can type their username and password in to the login window and have
that be validated by an Active Directory server.
Hvilket i øvrigt er nyt for mig! Det vil jeg kigge nærmere på når der på
et tidspunkt dukker noget 10.2 op på arbejdet. Selv om det iflg. mindst
én skribent i denne gruppe er utilladeligt af eksperimentere i
arbejdstiden når man er offentligt ansat
Venlig hilsen
Thomas Tvegaard