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Subject: Re: 10.2 Impressions
From: SneakyPete <sneakycuz@ihatespam.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.system
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2002 03:45:03 GMT
In article <1fgpnx3.1sto05447tfp1N%serse@diku.dk>, Per Erik Rønne
<serse@diku.dk> wrote:
> Sneaky Pete <sneaky@ihatespam.com> wrote:
> > Jaguar seriously rocks.
> How much does it improve on VirtualPC?
> I'm using a G4/867 with 640 MB RAM.
I've only tried it on my TiBook 667 w/512 MB RAM, and it was much
improved. Previously, I'd given up on VPC in OS X, because it was so
slow as to be unusable. Now I find it to be usable, but still slow
compared to OS 9. I know this discription isn't much help, but I think
you could expect a noticable improvement on your Quicksilver.
I'd like to be an optimist, but I'm afraid it wouldn't work out.
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Cand.scient. Per Erik Rønne
Frederikssundsvej 308B, 3. tv.
DK-2700 Brønshøj
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