Per.K skrev:
> Efter jeg har fået indstaleret WinXP er jeg begyndt at få lukke
> problemer af computeren.
> Den forsøger at lukke noget der hedder DEVLDR , der hører til
> softwaren til mit SB 5.1 kort, men den kikser hver gang i
> lukningen af det dersens DEVLDR.
Det er i det hele taget noget bøvl med Creative-drivere til Live
5.1 i WinXP. Det kører fint her med Creatives drivere i Win2000
SP2, men i WinXP kører det elendigt med drivere, som ellers skulle
være kompatibel med WinXP, ifølge Creative.
Godt nok har jeg ikke oplevet det problem du nævner med DEVLDR, men
derimod crasher Creative-mixeren hele tiden. Jeg kører pt. med de
indbyggede drivere i WinXP til kortet. Det kører til gengæld rigtig
godt. Godt nok har jeg ikke så mange indstillingsmuligheder som hvis
jeg installerede Liveware, eller hvad det nu hedder, men jeg kan
leve med det. Hellere det end et system der kører elendigt pga.
Creatives drivere.
Mht. dit problem så fandt jeg følgende med Google:
In the early days of Win ME, one of the biggest culprits for shutdown
issue was the Creative Labs SoundBlaster Live. History repeated itself
in the Beta phase of Win XP. SOLUTION: The SBLive drivers in the
released version of Win XP solved the shutdown problem for most (but
not all) SBLive users.
Here’s the commonly reported problem scenario people encountered: On
attempting shutdown, nothing at all appears to happen for a prolonged
period of time. Eventually, an “End Task” window appears, wanting to
terminate DEVLDR32.EXE. No matter what one does, one ultimately is
locked out of shutting down other than by a power switch shutoff.
(NOTE: This problem exists with the SBLive in Windows 2000 also.)
You may have to do a couple of extra steps to get rid of old files so
that the new drivers will install correctly (especially if you
installed the final version of Win XP on top of one of the Beta
versions), or to remove troublesome support software. Correspondent
Sean Caldwell summarized his steps: Shutdown Windows. Remove the
Creative card. Reboot in Safe Mode. In the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 folder,
delete the DEVLDR file. Fully shutdown the computer before rebooting.
Some users report that the DEVLDR problem continues to plague them even
with the new drivers. If installing the new drivers doesn’t solve your
shutdown problem, try these solutions that people used prior to the
release of the new drivers:
Correspondent Martin Sladek provided another solution: “I’ve ran into
the very same problem with SBLive Value drivers. The problem was so
severe I ran without the software all together. Since then, SBLive 5.1
came out, and I had installed the 5.1 version of the software in
Windows 2000 Pro. I’ve not had a single problem since.”
But updating your drivers in Win XP may not be as easy as one would
hope. Some problems especially appear where multiple users are enabled
on the system and one switches between users during a single Windows
session. There may be numerous files with the same name (but different
version numbers!) variously located in the I386, SYSTEM32, and
SYSTEM32\REINSTALLBACKUPS\0000 folders. These may conflict with each
other. If you rename DEVLDR32 (ver in SYSTEM32, another one
will replace it. (First, you need to press Ctrl+Alt+Del and end DEVLDR
in Task Manager). But if you use DEVLDR32 (ver from the I386
folder, this problem doesn’t occur. Reboot when finished to
reinaugurate the disabled service. (Tip from Terence Shortt, aka
tbone8200 on dellTalk.)
MS har en artikel om problemet her:;en-us;Q315327
Noget tyder på at MS synes man skal bruge deres drivere fra WinXP
cd'en, hvilket så også er det jeg har valgt. Driveren er blevet
opdateret et par gange på Windows Update, siden WinXP kom på gaden.
Med venlig hilsen