PRESTIJ wrote:
> Er det rigtigt at pigen i filmene døde i virkeligheden efter et par
> år. De mente hun døde af et eller andet med shock.
IMDB er din ven:,+Heather
"During the filming of Poltergeist III, Heather suffered flu-like symptoms.
She was taken to see a specialist, but still no one caught the intestnal
blockage that would eventually claim her life.
On the night of January 30, 1988 she woke up and crawled into bed with her
parents (Globe Magazine, Feb. 16, 1988) complaining that she didn't feel
well. She got up the next day, trying to eat some toast, saying that she was
going to school. She then fainted, her fingers turning blue. She was flown
to the Emergency Room, but it was too late. Heather died on the operating
table at 2:43 P.M. on Monday, Feb. 1, 1988. "
Hun døde altså af "intestinal blockage", hvilket kan oversættes direkte til
tarm-blokade. Kan det være tarmslyng eller noget i den stil? Eller noget