"Thomas Mouritsen" <miles@privat.dk> wrote in message
| Jeg er ret vild med den side.
| Han skriver godt, og sjovt.
Hehe, det kan man roligt sige
Se følgende uddrag fra en review af Starship Troopers:
"I guess most of them forgot to bring their sense of humor along with that
butt plug that was buried deep inside their anal orifice. I remember some
critics actually branding Paul Verhoeven a fascist supporter. They actually
took all of this amusing nonsense seriously! You would have thought that
lines like "Shoot a nuke down a bug hole, you got a lot of dead bugs." or
the sight of a brain bug with a vagina-esque mouth would've been strong
enough hints that this flick was made for kicks! Damn mooks. "
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