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MacSOUP og tegnsæt
Fra : Per Erik Rønne

Dato : 13-07-02 10:43

Ja, jeg forsøger nogle tegnsætsammenligninger. Uddraget kommer fra OED
som ligger på VPC under Windows:

yule, n

[The modern form descends from OE. ºeÛl, earlier ºeoh(h)ol, ºeh(h)ol,
also ºeÛla sometimes pl.) Christmas day or Christmastide, and in phr. se
\rra ºeÛla December, se Êftera ºeÛla January; corresp. to ON. jÛl pl. a
heathen feast lasting twelve days, (later) Christmas. An Old Anglian
ºiuli, recorded by Bede (see quot. 726 in sense 1) as the name of
December and January, corresponds to ON. ˝lir month beginning on the
second day of the week falling within Nov. 10ñ17, and Goth. jiuleis in
fruma jiuleis November. The ultimate origin of the Teut. types *jeul-
(jeºul-) and *jevul-:ópre-Teut. *jeqwl- is obscure.]
Ü1. December or January. Obs.
726 BÊda De Temp. Rat. xv, De Mensibus Anglorum+Primusque eorum
mensis, quem Latini Januarium vocant, dicitur Giuli.+ December Giuli,
eodem quo Januarius nomine, vocatur.+ Menses Giuli a conversione solis
in auctum diei, quia unus eorum prÊcedit, alius subsequitur, nomina
accipiunt. a900 O.E. Martyrol. 1 Jan. 12 Ianuarius, ˛Êt is on ure
ºe˛eode se Êftera ºeola. Ibid. 10 Dec. 216 Se mona ys nemned on leden
Decembris ond on ure ºe˛eode se Êrra ºeola. c1200 Ormin 1910ñ15 Crist
wass borenn i ˛iss lif Wi˛innen Ñoless mone˛˛,+˛att wass o ˛e fiffte
daää Att twenntiä daähess ende Off Ñol.

2. Christmas and the festivities connected therewith. (Still the name
in Sc. and north. dial.; since c 1850 also a literary archaism in Eng.).
a900 O.E. Martyrol. 6 May 76 Feowertiº daºa Êr Criste acennisse, ˛Êt
is Êr ºeolum [v.r. ºyhhelum]. c900 tr. BÊda's Hist. iv. xix. (1890) 318
fiy twelftan deºe ofer ∫eochol [v.rr. ºeohol, ºeohhel]. a901 Laws of
∆lfred ß43, xii daºas on ºehhol [v.rr. ºehol, ºehhel, ºeol]. ?12+
Charter of Eadweard an. 1067 in Kemble Cod. Dipl. IV. 209 Ealle a
gyltes a belimpe to mine kinehelme inne Iol and inne Easterne. 13+
Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 284, I craue+a crystemas gomen, For hit is äol & nwe
äer. 1338 R. Brunne Chron. (1725) 49 fi e kyng one on ˛e morn went to
London, His äole forto hold was his encheson. c1425 Engl. Conq. Irel.
(1896) 42 Seynt Tomas-ys day, Apostle, ys ˛e fyft day afor yold. c1440
Bone Flor. 1897 Of seynt Hyllary the churche ys, The twenty day of yowle
y wys. c1450 Merlin vi. 96 The kynge is now deed sithe Martin-masse,
and fro hens to yoole is but litill space. 1533 Extr. Aberd. Reg.
(1844) I. 149 At the natiuite of our Lord, callit zowill. 1536
Bellenden Cron. Scot. xiii. xiv. (1821) II. 340 Quhen he wes sittand
with his modir, on the Epiphany Day, at his yuill. a1580 Sir R.
Maitland Sat. Age 45 Thai+yat held grit äulis. 1589 Warner Alb. Eng. v.
xxiv. 108 At Ewle we wonten, gambole, daunce, to carrole, and to sing.
1637 Bk. Com. Prayer Scotland Table Proper Ps., Yule, or Christmas day.
1644 in Row Hist. Kirk (Wodrow Soc.) p. xxix, Knowing that the
superstitious dayis of Yool was approching. 1753 Stewart's Trial App.
61 About Yule last. 1794 Burns Bonie Peggy Ramsay i, And dawin' it is
dreary, When birks are bare at Yule. 1816 Scott Antiq. xxiii, Ye ken a
green Yule makes a fat kirk-yard. 1850 Tennyson In Mem. xxviii, They
bring me sorrow touch'd with joy, The merry merry bells of Yule. 1878
Susan Phillips On Seaboard 74 And many a Yule since+You chose a spray
all brightly berried over.

∂Yule of August, Lammas Yule: the festival of Lammas, the first of
August. Obs.
This use has arisen from confusion of this word with gule n.2 (Lammas
1643 Hammond Let. Resol. Six QuÊres vi. ß65. 465 Gula Augusti, or the
Yule of August. a1661 Fuller Worthies, Northumbld. (1662) ii. 304 It
[sc. Yule] is a name general for festivals, as Lammas Yule, &c.

Ü3. Used as an exclamation of joy or revelry at the Christmas
festivities. Obs.
1546 J. Heywood Prov. (1867) 28 It is easy to cry vle at other mens
coste. a1568 in Bannatyne MS. (Hunter. Club) 380 It is eith [pr. dith]
to cry yule [Maitl. Fo. MS. hailäule] On ane vder manis coist. 1661
Blount Glossogr. s.v. Ule, In Yorkshire and our other Northern parts,
they have an old Custom, after Sermon or Service on Christmas day, the
people will, even in the Churches cry Vle, Vle,+and the common people
run about the streets singing Ule, Ule, Ule, Three Puddings in a Pule,
Crack nuts and cry Ule. 1737 Ramsay Sc. Prov. (1750) 58 It is eith
crying yool on anither man's stool. 1853 W. Sandys Christmastide 143 In
some places it seems to have been the custom to dance in the country
churches, after prayers, crying out, ëYole, yole, yole!í &c.

4. attrib. and Comb., as yule banquet, batch, common (common n.1 8),
fare, feast, hearth, night [cf. ON. jÛlanÛtt], time; locally applied to
articles of food made specially for Christmas as yule-bread, -cake,
-dough, -loaf (see quots.); also yule-block = yule-log; yule-candle =
Christmas candle (Christmas 4); yule-clog = yule-log; yule-game, a
Christmas game or sport; Ãœa frolic, gambol; Ãœyule-girth [see grith n. 6;
cf. ON. jÛlagri], the peace of Christmas; yule-log, a large log of wood
burnt on the hearth at Christmas; yule-song dial., a Christmas carol;
Ãœyule-stock, (a) [?stock n.1 20, 47], ? contribution to Christmas
festivities; (b) = yule-log; yule-tide [cf. ON. jÛlatÌ], the season of
Yule, Christmas-tide; Ãœyule-waiting (yolwayting) [app. ON. veiting,
waiting vbl. n.2], app. a due paid by bondmen at Christmas;
Ãœyule-waitstand (yolwayte-), ?the place where the waits (wait n. 8a)
stood at Christmas; Üyule-work (Sc. äeoll vark), ? preparations for
Christmas festivities.
1629 Orkney Witch Trial in N.B. Advertiser Oct. (1894), If ever the
guidman of the hous sould mak ane other *yull bankett.

1674 Ray N.C. Words, *Yu-batch. 1796 Pegge Derbicisms (E.D.S.),
U-back, U-block. See Yu-batch+Yu~bach.

a1661 Fuller Worthies, Northumberland (1662) ii. 304 The Northern
parts call Christmas Yule, (hence the *Yule-block, *Yule-cakes [pr.
oakes], Yule-songs, &c.). 1820 Sporting Mag. (N.S.) VI. 283 Yule Cake,
a kind of spiced cake, often supplies the place of gingerbread. 1884
Besant Dor. Forster xiii, The tables were covered with Yule-cakes, which
are, in the north, shaped like a baby, and Christmas pies in form of a

1808 Jamieson s.v., The candle, that is lighted on Yule, must be so
large as to burn from the time of its being lighted till the day be
done.+ Hence large candles are by the vulgar called *Yule-candles. 1820
Sporting Mag. (N.S.) VI. 283 The yule candle, a tall mould candle, is
lighted and set on the table.

1725 Bourne Antiq. Vulg. xiii. in Brand Pop. Antiq. xiii. (1777) 155
Our Fore-Fathers+were wont+to lay a Log of Wood upon the Fire, whlch
they termed a *Yule-Clog, or Christmas-Block. 1836 R. Furness Astrol.
iii. Wks. (1858) 163 When ample yule-clogs lent their heat and light,
And all-spiced possets warm'd the Christmas night. 1850 Tennyson In
Mem. lxxviii, The yule-clog sparkled keen with frost.

a1614 J. Melvill Autob. & Diary (Wodrow Soc.) 274 That *Yuill comoun
they thought to repey weill now at Pasch.

1777 Brand Pop. Antiq. 163 The *Yule-Dough,+a Kind of Baby or little
Image of Paste, which our Bakers used formerly to bake at this Season,
and present to their Customers.

1888 Jessie M. E. Saxby Lads of Lunda 210 Such bounty, in the form of
*Yule-fare, as the folks are pleased to bestow.

a1661 Fuller Worthies, Northumbld. (1662) ii. 304 A *Yule feast may be
quat at Pasche. That is Christmas-cheer may be digested, and the party
hungry again at Easter. a1774 Fergusson Geordie & Davie 14 Poems (1789)
ii. 6 For the Yule-feast a sautit mart's prepar'd.

1611 Cotgr., Gambade, a gamboll, *yew-game, tumbling tricke. 1632
Sherwood, A yew-game, or yeule-game, gambade. 1615 R. Cocks Diary
(Hakl. Soc.) I. 93 The shipps company+plaied Christmas ule games in good
sort. 1621 Burton Anat. Mel. ii. ii. iv. 346 Masks, singing, dancing,
vlegames. 1674 Ray N.C. Words, Yu-game.

1569ñ70 Rec. Inverness (New Spalding Club) I. 182 For breking of *Yule
gerthe and trubling of the towne. ?16+ in F. Drake Eboracum i. vi.
(1736) 197 The fower serjeants shall go and ride+and so go forth to the
fower barrs of the citty and blow the youle-girthe. Ibid., To make
proclamation at the pillory of the Yoole-girthol.

1656 Mennis & J. Smith Mus. Delic. (ed. 2) 23 Thrice had all
New-yeares Guests their *yewl guts fill'd With embalm'd Veal, buried in
Christmas Past.

1848 Lytton Harold iv. vi, We strip not the green leaves for our

1729 P. Walkden Diary (1866) 85 A *yule loaf, 3d.

1725 Bourne Antiq. Vulg. xiii. in Brand Pop. Antiq. (1777) 157, I am
apt to believe, the Log has had the Name of the *Yule-Log, from its
being burnt as an Emblem of the returning Sun. 1848 Longfellow K.
Witlaf's Drinking-horn viii, The Yule-log cracked in the chimney.

1303 R. Brunne Handl. Synne 4648 Howe God was born yn *äole nyght.
c1325 Metr. Hom. 101 On feld thar thai woc on yol niht. c1475 Rauf
Coiläear 342 Betuix none of the day and Ñule nicht. 1792 Burns Duncan
Gray i, On blythe yule night when we were fu'. a1661 *Yule-songs [see
yule-block]. 1876 Robinson Whitby Gloss., Yule-sangs, s. pl. Christmas

1282 Yorksh. Inquis. (Yorks. Rec. Soc. 1892) I. 244 [The same pays
12d. at Christmas, which is called] *Yolstoch. c1480 Henryson Sum
Practysis Med. 77 (Bann. MS.) With thre crawis of the cok, The schadow
of ane äule stok, Is gud for ˛e host.

c1475 Rauf Coiläear 4 Quhair Empreouris and Erlis, and vther mony ane,
Turnit fra Sanct Thomas befoir the *äule tyde. 1860 Longfellow Wayside
Inn i. Musician's T. xii. ii, Three days his Yule-tide feasts He held.

1787 W. Taylor Poems 44 About *Yule-time an' Hogmenai. 1864 Prior in
AthenÊum 2 Jan. 10/2 [Mistletoe] ripened its snow-white fruit just at

1183 Boldon Bk. (Surtees) 20 Dant cum villanis partem suam de scat et
de metride et de *yolwayting. c1380 Bp. Hatfield's Surv. (Surtees) 22
Iidem tenentes red. p. a. pro yol~wayting, ad festum Nativitatis Domini,

1413ñ14 Boldon Bk. (Surtees) Gloss. p. lxxii, De quadam placea vocata

1540 Rec. Elgin (New Spald. Cl. 1903) I. 47 Dauid Hardy+sall pay ane
stane wax to the nixt *Zeoll vark.

Hence yule v., intr. to keep Christmas. Sc. and north. dial.
a1670 Spalding Troub. Chas. I (Bannatyne Club) I. 39 The lords
refuised to lett the lady marchioness go to the castle with her husband,
except she would waird also, and with great intreatie had the favour, to
Yule with him, but to stay no longer. 1828 Craven Gloss., Yuling,
Christmas feasting.
Noget tyder på at man godt kunne trænge til en bedre
Cand.scient. Per Erik Rønne
Frederikssundsvej 308B, 3. tv.
DK-2700 Brønshøj
Tlf + fax 38 89 00 16, mobil 28 23 09 92

Jesper (13-07-2002)
Fra : Jesper

Dato : 13-07-02 10:53

Per Erik Rønne <PerRonne@mac.com> wrote:

> Ja, jeg forsøger nogle tegnsætsammenligninger. Uddraget kommer fra OED
> som ligger på VPC under Windows:
> yule, n


> ===
> Noget tyder på at man godt kunne trænge til en bedre
> tegnkonverteringsteknik.

Fungerer fint når det gælder om at konveretere /fra/ UTF-8 og
ISO-8859-1, men den gode Stefan Haller er arg modstander af at poste
andet end uformatteret 7-bit text til Usenet, det er der humlen ligger.
em@il -> pinebox {a} myrealbox [dot] com

Per Erik Rønne (13-07-2002)
Fra : Per Erik Rønne

Dato : 13-07-02 11:26

Jesper <spam@supressor.invalid> wrote:

> Stefan Haller er arg modstander af at poste andet end uformatteret 7-bit
> text til Usenet

Nåeh, han accepterer dog trods alt 8 bit. Ellers kunne vi jo heller ikke
bruge vores æ, ø og å .
Cand.scient. Per Erik Rønne
Frederikssundsvej 308B, 3. tv.
DK-2700 Brønshøj
Tlf + fax 38 89 00 16, mobil 28 23 09 92

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