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Kim Larsen - Hvileløse Hjerte
Fra : Michelle

Dato : 24-06-02 06:52


My mom has classical music playing in my house most of the time and today I
came home and a song was playing on the radio that sounded very familiar. It
turns out it was a piano version of this Kim Larsen song, took me a few
minutes to recognize it! So he stole the melody. I live in America btw so
obviously it wasn't a tribute to Mr. Larsen himself. Does anyone know if he
gives some of the credit for this song to someone else? The song is from the
album 'Hvem Kan Sige Nej Til En Engel'. I only have 'Kim Larsens Greatest.'
:o/ Has anyone heard the piano version of the song? Thanks!


Peter G. (24-06-2002)
Fra : Peter G.

Dato : 24-06-02 10:48

In article <af6c7h$bh4ju$1@ID-72111.news.dfncis.de>, Michelle
<star@crazy.net> wrote...
> Hello!
> My mom has classical music playing in my house most of the time and today I
> came home and a song was playing on the radio that sounded very familiar. It
> turns out it was a piano version of this Kim Larsen song, took me a few
> minutes to recognize it! So he stole the melody.

Ahemm, I doubt stoled is the right word :)

The song "Hvileløse hjerte"?
The norwegian classical composer Edward Grieg is credited for the music.

M.v.h. / Kind regards, Peter.
Address is not munged.
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Michelle (24-06-2002)
Fra : Michelle

Dato : 24-06-02 12:57

"Peter G." <PeterNOSPAMPedal2100@gmx.net> wrote in message
> In article <af6c7h$bh4ju$1@ID-72111.news.dfncis.de>, Michelle
> <star@crazy.net> wrote...
> > Hello!
> >
> > My mom has classical music playing in my house most of the time and
today I
> > came home and a song was playing on the radio that sounded very
familiar. It
> > turns out it was a piano version of this Kim Larsen song, took me a few
> > minutes to recognize it! So he stole the melody.
> Ahemm, I doubt stoled is the right word :)
> The song "Hvileløse hjerte"?
> The norwegian classical composer Edward Grieg is credited for the music.

Hehehe sorry, I guess Kim Larsen is not exactly Noel Gallagher on occasions.
Thanks for knowing the name. :)

Peter G. (25-06-2002)
Fra : Peter G.

Dato : 25-06-02 17:56

In article <af71ja$b4rpt$1@ID-72111.news.dfncis.de>, Michelle
<star@crazy.net> wrote...
> "Peter G." <PeterNOSPAMPedal2100@gmx.net> wrote in message
> news:MPG.178109523f2fa6e09897a2@dtext.news.tele.dk...

> > Ahemm, I doubt stoled is the right word :)

Ha, I was right. It's "stole".
*shoots own foot*

> Hehehe sorry, I guess Kim Larsen is not exactly Noel Gallagher on occasions.

Whiny and generally annoying? Definately not.

> Thanks for knowing the name. :)

I didn't. I used Google. Heartily recommended ;)

M.v.h. / Kind regards, Peter.
Address is not munged.
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Benny Mortensen (27-06-2002)
Fra : Benny Mortensen

Dato : 27-06-02 17:39

> Michelle" <star@crazy.net> skrev i en meddelelse
> Hello!
> My mom has classical music playing in my house most of the time and today
> came home and a song was playing on the radio that sounded very familiar.
> turns out it was a piano version of this Kim Larsen song, took me a few
> minutes to recognize it! So he stole the melody. I live in America btw so
> obviously it wasn't a tribute to Mr. Larsen himself. Does anyone know if
> gives some of the credit for this song to someone else? The song is from
> album 'Hvem Kan Sige Nej Til En Engel'. I only have 'Kim Larsens
> :o/ Has anyone heard the piano version of the song? Thanks!
> Michelle
Hi Michelle

It's correct that Edward Grieg is credited the music, and Kim Larsen &
Martin Andersen the Danish lyric's....
Normally Kim Larsen does not steel he's music. But he has been dragt into
court a few times, and if i'm not wrong, even has a recent case running. But
i guess he win's that one too. But they usually goes on, that he has made
some small changes to lyric's or the music, but still credited the original
author for their part. The opposite Less Hunphreys, that made som very
small changes, and claimed that he wrote it all....If that was true, he
might have a pretty white hair, " Battle of New Orleans " is a pretty old

My Best Regards

Michelle (28-06-2002)
Fra : Michelle

Dato : 28-06-02 07:43

"Benny Mortensen" <bfm@tdcadsl.dk> wrote in message
> Hi Michelle
> It's correct that Edward Grieg is credited the music, and Kim Larsen &
> Martin Andersen the Danish lyric's....
> Normally Kim Larsen does not steel he's music. But he has been dragt into
> court a few times, and if i'm not wrong, even has a recent case running.
> i guess he win's that one too. But they usually goes on, that he has made
> some small changes to lyric's or the music, but still credited the
> author for their part. The opposite Less Hunphreys, that made som very
> small changes, and claimed that he wrote it all....If that was true, he
> might have a pretty white hair, " Battle of New Orleans " is a pretty old
> song

Thanks Benny! :) If Kim Larsen credits the original artist then there should
be no reason why he would have a court case.

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