 | T68i Ipaq and Bluetooth Fra : MagnetiSøren |
Dato : 06-06-02 15:54 |
Quite an odd question but placed anyhow.
I am the happy owner of an T68i and an Compaq IPAQ 3850
With a jacket to my IPAQ ican connect the PDA and Phone through Bluetooth.
So far soo good.
If i invest in a Bluetooth headset, can i connect it both to the IPAQ (and
hear music) AND to the phone and recieve phonecalls)???
Any expert on threepart bluetoothcommunication feel free to respond
TIA Ronnie
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Gerd (06-06-2002)
 | Kommentar Fra : Gerd |
Dato : 06-06-02 16:48 |
Actually there is no iPaq model, expansion jacket or CF card available which
supplies the headset profile out of the box.
I have seen a demonstration by use of a special CF card, but that's still
not a product. Therefore you cannot use a BT headset with a PocketPC yet.
"MagnetiSøren" <postmaster@ro9.dk> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Quite an odd question but placed anyhow.
> I am the happy owner of an T68i and an Compaq IPAQ 3850
> With a jacket to my IPAQ ican connect the PDA and Phone through Bluetooth.
> So far soo good.
> If i invest in a Bluetooth headset, can i connect it both to the IPAQ (and
> hear music) AND to the phone and recieve phonecalls)???
> Any expert on threepart bluetoothcommunication feel free to respond
> TIA Ronnie
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David C. Baker (12-06-2002)
 | Kommentar Fra : David C. Baker |
Dato : 12-06-02 02:17 |
I have the Ericsson HBH-10, T68m, and iPAQ 3850.
- my iPAQ recognizes the HBH-10, lists it as a device but when I try to
create a bond between the devices I get an "unable to exchange passkeys"
- my HBH-10 works fine with my T68m
- my T68m works fine with my iPAQ 3850
That takes care of the pairwise matchings.
When my iPAQ is connected to the T68 surfing the web over GPRS, an incoming
call interrupts the GPRS session, rings the phone but NOT my HBH-10. It
appears that the iPAQ can only have one Bluetooth session. So, I have to
answer the call using the phone, not my headset. I hang up the call and
continue my GPRS session.
If my HBH-10 is in active session with my iPAQ ( nothing I can actually DO
since it is not bonded), I cannot use the HBH-10 to wake up my T68. In fact,
after pairing with my iPAQ I have to RE-pair my HBH-10 with my T68.
Dave Baker
"Gerd" <WATZULFBHIKL@spammotel.com> wrote in message
> Actually there is no iPaq model, expansion jacket or CF card available
> supplies the headset profile out of the box.
> I have seen a demonstration by use of a special CF card, but that's still
> not a product. Therefore you cannot use a BT headset with a PocketPC yet.
> "MagnetiSøren" <postmaster@ro9.dk> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> news:3cff778e$0$8975$edfadb0f@dspool01.news.tele.dk...
> > Quite an odd question but placed anyhow.
> >
> > I am the happy owner of an T68i and an Compaq IPAQ 3850
> >
> > With a jacket to my IPAQ ican connect the PDA and Phone through
> > So far soo good.
> >
> > If i invest in a Bluetooth headset, can i connect it both to the IPAQ
> > hear music) AND to the phone and recieve phonecalls)???
> >
> > Any expert on threepart bluetoothcommunication feel free to respond
> >
> > TIA Ronnie
> >
> >
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