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artikel om mgp fra www.media-wereld.nl (om~
Fra : Gizmoduck

Dato : 22-05-02 20:03


Malene W. Mortensen - from 'Star for a Night' to star for a week? At a
reception on Monday evening, Tallinn's new Danish queen greeted an
oceans of fans - and made a most positive impact on them.

The interest in Danish entrant Malene W. Mortensen and her song 'Tell
me who you are' increases more and more - especially since yesterday's
press conference.

An ESC fan - fighting an idealistic but impossible to win war to bring
back the native language rule - openly criticized Denmark for not
singing in Danish, whereafter Malene politely invited him up to the
podium to sing a song for her in Danish. The fan declined the
invitation - and then remained silent.

Last night, Malene W. Mortensen had her first rehearsal and entered
the stage in one of her two costumes.
Malene and the rest of the delegation have yet not decided which of
the two she is going to wear.

After the third rehersal it really seems as though Malene has made
herself at home on the stage, which for the record takes up one third
of the floor area in Saku Suurhall.
The only problem are the acoustics within the hall. It was primarily
built to host sporting events and therefore emphasize the audience's
cheers and pep shouts, but this now means that the ending of her song
does not sound too well inside the hall; Malene's voice and those of
the backing singers crash into each other.

ETV sound engineers say that this will not be noticed in the
television transmission.

det lyder jo som om hun er ret populær derovre(jeg skal nu ikke selv
se showet, men der er nok andre der er interesseret i det)



"I feel like I'm on pins and needles
How many bands can rip-off the Beatles?
And every day there is another
Band that gets big by playing a cover"

Suicidal Tendencies "Pop Songs"

Esben I. (22-05-2002)
Fra : Esben I.

Dato : 22-05-02 22:54

Gizmoduck wrote:
<snip artikel>>
> det lyder jo som om hun er ret populær derovre

det bli'r sangen jo ikke bedre af
Esben I.

Gizmoduck (23-05-2002)
Fra : Gizmoduck

Dato : 23-05-02 14:42

On Wed, 22 May 2002 23:54:16 +0200, "Esben I."
<raggamuffin@get2net.dk> wrote:

>Gizmoduck wrote:
><snip artikel>>
>> det lyder jo som om hun er ret populær derovre
>det bli'r sangen jo ikke bedre af

gør dét en forskel for vinderchancerne?



"I feel like I'm on pins and needles
How many bands can rip-off the Beatles?
And every day there is another
Band that gets big by playing a cover"

Suicidal Tendencies "Pop Songs"

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