 | Sakskøbing sogn, Maribo amt mikrokort sælg~ Fra : Anne Bach |
Dato : 20-05-02 10:40 |
kirkebøger 1735-1776
FT 1787, 1801, 1834
ialt 15 kort 180 kr
venlig hilsen
Anne Bach
| |
Kirsten Friis Holm H~ (20-05-2002)
 | Kommentar Fra : Kirsten Friis Holm H~ |
Dato : 20-05-02 13:39 |
Where can you buy these microfiche from? I am mostly interested in Faaborg,
Svendborg and Korsør/Holbæk areas .
Kirsten Friis Holm Hawkes
Kariong NSW Australia
"Anne Bach" <annebach@mail.tele.dk> wrote in message
> kirkebøger 1735-1776
> FT 1787, 1801, 1834
> ialt 15 kort 180 kr
> venlig hilsen
> Anne Bach
> København
| |
Anne Bach (20-05-2002)
 | Kommentar Fra : Anne Bach |
Dato : 20-05-02 14:30 |
Hej Kirsten
You can buy them here:
Landsarkivet for Nørrejylland
Ll. Sct. Hansgade 5
8800 Viborg
tlf. 86 62 17 22
"Kirsten Friis Holm Hawkes" <kirstenh@iprimus.com.au> skrev i en meddelelse
> Where can you buy these microfiche from? I am mostly interested in
> Svendborg and Korsør/Holbæk areas .
> thanks
> Kirsten Friis Holm Hawkes
> Kariong NSW Australia
> "Anne Bach" <annebach@mail.tele.dk> wrote in message
> news:3ce8c514$0$65022$edfadb0f@dspool01.news.tele.dk...
> > kirkebøger 1735-1776
> > FT 1787, 1801, 1834
> >
> > ialt 15 kort 180 kr
> >
> > venlig hilsen
> > Anne Bach
> > København
> >
> >
| |
 Kirsten Friis Holm H~ (21-05-2002)
 | Kommentar Fra : Kirsten Friis Holm H~ |
Dato : 21-05-02 13:23 |
Thank you very much for this !
"Anne Bach" <annebach@mail.tele.dk> wrote in message
> Hej Kirsten
> You can buy them here:
> Landsarkivet for Nørrejylland
> Ll. Sct. Hansgade 5
> 8800 Viborg
> tlf. 86 62 17 22
> Anne
> > Where can you buy these microfiche from? I am mostly interested in
> Faaborg,
> > Svendborg and Korsør/Holbæk areas .
> >
> > thanks
> >
> > Kirsten Friis Holm Hawkes
> > Kariong NSW Australia
| |