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Escape From Monkey Island
Fra : Surf

Dato : 18-05-02 15:20

hvordan klare man. I Cheese i Insult Arm Wrestling kan i fortælle mig
på forhånd tak

Leveret af:
"Vejen til en hurtig løsning"

Nicolai (19-05-2002)
Fra : Nicolai

Dato : 19-05-02 00:05

Et lille hint...

I: Today, by myself, twelve people I have beaten.
A: By the size of your gut, I'd guess they were eaten.

I: Give up now, or I'll crush you like a grape!
A: I would if it would stop your WINE-ing.

I: My ninety-eight year old grandmother has bigger arms then you.
A: Yeah. but we both got better bladder control then you do.

I: I'm going to put your arm in a sling!
A: Why, ya studying to be a nurse?

I: I've got muscles in places you've never heard of.
A: Too bad none of 'em are in your arms!

I: Hey, look over there!
A: Yeah, yeah, I know, it's a three-headed monkey.

I: Your knuckles I'll grind to a splintery paste!
A: I thought that bean dip had strange taste.

I: Your arms are no bigger than fleas I have met.
A: So that's why you're scratching, I'd go see a vet.

I: My stupefying strength will shatter your ulna into a million pieces!
A: I'm surprised you can count that high.

I: People consider my fists lethal weapons
A: Sadly, your breath should be equally reckoned.

I: Only once have I met such a coward!
A: He must've taught you everything you know! (A Classic)

I: You're the ugliest creature I've ever seen in my life!
A: I'm surprised you never gazed at your wife.

I: My forearms have been mistaken for tree trunks.
A: An over-the-counter defoliant could help you with that problem.

I: I've out-wrestled octopi with these arms!
A: I'm sure that humbled creatures everywhere are humbled by your might!

I: Do I see quivers of agony dance on your lip?
A: It's laughter that's caused by your feathery grip.
"Surf" <Surf.news@kandu.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> hvordan klare man. I Cheese i Insult Arm Wrestling kan i fortælle mig
> det
> på forhånd tak
> --
> Leveret af:
> http://www.kandu.dk/
> "Vejen til en hurtig løsning"

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