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Fra : Claudio Solis

Dato : 17-05-02 14:44

|:: ||||:| ::| |:| ||: :|:|:: ::: ||| |||||| ::|

O5 basic formula
INTEND your goal.
1. Become the OBSTACLE:
2. Expand with the OBSTACLE as you breath it in.
3. Exit and LABEL the OBSTACLE for deletion.
4. Disclaim the OBSTACLE as your own now useless creation.
5. Quietly watch it DISSOLVE itself.
reINTEND your goal.

øøøøø (C) 2002 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved øøøøø
Mental Sculpture? Majik? Self-enpowerment? Miracle making?
http://puck.dhs.org:8080/o5.html tarant8l@wind.freenet.am
http://www.escribe.com/theory/puck http://groups.google.com

O5 creates events. Everybody needs lovely events. Useful
events are to your liking. Usually people await for the
event or strive to obtain/provoke one. Events can be created
in minutes. Provoking events is best while creating them

One first discreates the unwanted event (or lack of), then
mentally installs the wanted event, so it happens. Discreation
redeploys extra energy for the creation of the new event. Like
the zen event of emptying a glass so that it can be (re)filled.

O5 acts as basic tool in any physical, astral or mental battle.
There is always something to dispose off first. Removing the
unnecessary makes place for a fresh creation.

Examples of O5-like action can be found everywhere, since it's
instictive! Roger Zelazny in "Nine Princes in Amber" and especially
in "The Courts of Chaos" has touchedupon and elaborated on the
subject of (dis)creation. Florinda in "Eagle's Gift" by Carlos
Castaneda is yet one of the myriad examples of O5 in action.

O5 has it's tibetan origin, but is instinctive in every jedi
and human being. We all use it when successful! Getting things
done or making people and things work for you is O5. Help out
of the blue is O5. An "impossible" series of circumstances
bringing about unexpectedly wonderful and pleasing results
is O5. Wherever a genial new fresh event happens like out
of the blue, it's O5. And you can learn to (dis)create, direct
add steer events to your liking!

An O5 developer is no more the slave of fates. He can discreate
an I Ching event, dispose of a negative astrological aspect,
architect his own life now with simple tools and imagination.

Futurity means possible future. The choice is legion. Various
futurities do not form a future. INTENTido is a "force" that
INTEND a futurity/future/choice. Best scanned with I Ching
MatriX Scanner. Enpower yourself and DECIDE a future. Design
it precisely using - treasure charts -, and see it coming true
just like you've designed them. Use the impossible! Include
some really "impossible" stuff in your plans/futures. Discreate
ugly futurities before they have the chance to make a living.
Use kahuuna timetracking to discreate unlovely astrological
events in the futurity, future fears, future errors. Pilot
your future/futurities _now_. That's what now is for.
The =O5= formula, publications, logo, methods and procedures
are (C) Copyright 1994-2002 Klaudio Zic. Mail t8@puck.dhs.org
for information and eventual further publishing permission.

|:: ||||:| ::| |:| ||: :|:|:: ::: ||| |||||| ::|

It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
It is by intent that my
thoughts acquire speed,

The dream acquires form,
The form pervades certainty.
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.

Mentat Peter de Vries

O5 basic formula
INTEND your goal.
1. Become the OBSTACLE:
2. Expand with the OBSTACLE as you breath it in.
3. Exit and LABEL the OBSTACLE for deletion.
4. Disclaim the OBSTACLE as your own now useless creation.
5. Quietly watch it DISSOLVE itself.
reINTEND your goal.

Mon Apr 15 09:23:53 GMT 2002

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