Brian Grensteen wrote:
> Jeg har læst at man skal bruge et program (smartpar)
> til at se film med men jeg kan ikke finde det nogen steder
> kan nogle sige mig hvor jeg kan finde det eller et andet program som
> kan vise PAR filer
Har du prøvet at lave en søgning på "smartpar" på google? Så finder du deres
hjemmeside, hvor man bl.a. finder følgende:
"What is SmartPAR?
SmartPAR is an application that handles files specified by version 1.0 of
the parchive parity file format. These are files that have extensions like
PAR, P01, P02, P03, etc. SmartPAR can create these files as well as recover
data from them and SmartPAR makes it easy to use these files.
Parchive parity files (or par files for short) create redundant data that
can be used later in case parts of the original data is lost or corrupted.
Par files allow file level recovery of data. That is, out of a group of many
files, if a limited number of files are lost or corrupted, they can be