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Bill Clausen, Canadian farmer and flyer
Fra : Pops

Dato : 22-04-02 00:31

Bill (Wilhelm Emil) Sindberg Clausen, born ca. 1912, lived in
Bonneville district, Alberta, Canada. He was a farmer and later while
in his 60s he flew airplanes. The Journal, St. Paul, Alberta, 22
August 1979 reported that he was the first person to fly in all states
of USA and in all provinces of Canada. He did this in 20 days. His
obituary is said appear in a Vancouver BC Canada newspaper.

I would like to know more about Bill. He may descend from Ane Marie
Christensdatter and Niels Christen Clausen. Ane was born 15 March 1844
in Heltborg, Refs, Thisted, DK. Ane Marie is sister to my great
grandfather, Jens, who came to USA with wife and 5 children in 1881.
I don't believe she immigrated. Her children born in Ydby, Refs,
Thisted, DK between 1873 and 1883 were Ane Caroline, Christen, Carl,
Karen, Jens Peter, Maren, and Ottilia.

Any info would be greatly appreciated in English or på dansk.
( Keep the Danish very simple

Jim Sindberg
Vancouver WA USA

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