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<GFD> German File Distribution
Fra : The Region 23 Intern~

Dato : 30-03-02 21:06

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>Area: GFD.NET.WWW OS/2 [NET]: HTTP-Server, Browser und Zubehoer
PHP412DL.ZIP 872 Kb 30-03 PHP4 OS/2 Port v4.1.2 release 3. Apache Module.
This archive contains a port of PHP4 as an OS/2
DLL which is loadable into the Apache 1.3 web
server. To use this module you will need to be
using a version of Apache for OS/2 that includes
loadable mod
PHP412EA.ZIP 872 Kb 30-03 PHP4 OS/2 Port v4.1.2 release 3. Apache EAPI
Module. This archive contains a port of PHP4 as
an OS/2 DLL which is loadable into the Apache
1.3 web server. To use this module you will need
to be using a version of Apache for OS/2 that
includes loadabl
PHP412EX.ZIP 770 Kb 30-03 PHP4 OS/2 Port v4.1.2 release 3. CGI. This
archive contains a port of PHP4 as an OS/2 DLL
which is loadable into the Apache 1.3 web
server. To use this module you will need to be
using a version of Apache for OS/2 that includes
loadable module suppor
PHPDB2DL.ZIP 888 Kb 30-03 PHP4 OS/2 Port v4.1.2 release 3. Apache Module
with DB2. This archive contains a port of PHP4
as an OS/2 DLL which is loadable into the Apache
1.3 web server. To use this module you will need
to be using a version of Apache for OS/2 that
includes loa
PHPDB2EA.ZIP 888 Kb 30-03 PHP4 OS/2 Port v4.1.2 release 3. Apache EAPI
Module with DB2. This archive contains a port of
PHP4 as an OS/2 DLL which is loadable into the
Apache 1.3 web server. To use this module you
will need to be using a version of Apache for
OS/2 that include
PHPDB2EX.ZIP 783 Kb 30-03 PHP4 OS/2 Port v4.1.2 release 3. CGI with DB2.
This archive contains a port of PHP4 as an OS/2
DLL which is loadable into the Apache 1.3 web
server. To use this module you will need to be
using a version of Apache for OS/2 that includes
loadable modu
5,185,373 bytes, 6 fil(er)

I alt modtaget 5,061 Kb, 6 fil(er)

The Region 23 Internet Source
FidoNet 2:236/205 ***************************** http://download.r23.dk
Copenhagen, Denmark
***** Michael Kaaber ************************************** kaaber@r23.dk *****

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