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MOHAA Paaskeaeg
Fra : ~^~Ravn~^~

Dato : 28-03-02 21:56

--- Shows a list of all levels; click on the one you want to play

Allied Assault Easter Eggs

Use this top-secret info as you see fit to take your MOHAA experience
to an entirely different level.

Hidden Level - Dogs of War
After accessing the "maplist" code, select the map named "m410.bsp".
This secret map provides you with a hidden mission that you won't find
anywhere else in the game! In this level, you trek across open
terrain. However, the most unique aspect of this level is the fact
that it's filled with packs of dogs. There's one other item of note as
well. Beware of the water.

Make 'em Dance
Toward the beginning of the first disguise mission, there's some Nazi
activity that'll make you look twice (at least!). In the locker area
after you present your papers to the Germans, you pass into a room
where three Germans are playing cards. To the right of the door, look
at the two windows looking out into the sub pen floor. You'll see two
Germans. Press the "Use" key when you're by the window and watch the
Germans demonstrate an impressive variety of dance hall skills.

Bazooka Med Hide & Seek
Just when you think you're doing a good job against the Nazis in
MOHAA, you run into something like Bazooka Med Hide & Seek. Here's how
the game is played. Complete the Sniper's Last Stand level and then
continue to the next level and save all the soldiers. When you
approach the tank, your screen goes blank and a message appears: "You
have 60 seconds to find a safe hiding spot and then Bazooka Med will
be on your trail." If he finds you (and it's most likely he will),
you'll experience one of the true horrors of this war.

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