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mvh Niels Jørgen
-------- Original Message --------
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 15:04:52 -0000
From: "Bill Alexander" <Pitlessie@btinternet.com>
Reply-To: "Bill Alexander" <Pitlessie@btinternet.com>
Newsgroups: uk.rec.birdwatching
After long deliberation, and requests for support from
conservationists and
local bird guides in Uganda, it has been decided to open the
campaign. It is anticipated that this will be a long-running
campaign in
constantly varying geographical arenas worldwide.
We are convinced that - taking all arguments into account
and looking at the
mid- and long-term future benefits for the people and
wildlife of developing
countries - the trade in wild-caught birds must be stopped.
The paltry
financial sums which go to the people of the country
concerned do not
justify the long term ravishment of nature and the loss of
future economic
and environmental prospects. The trade in birds will ONLY be
stopped when
the demand of 'end users' is stopped, and laws and their strict
implementation eradicate the profit motive of the traders
and their
middlemen. The key is, as often the case in planetary
exploitation, to be
found in the industrialised and rich First World. We will
also take the
fight there.
The immediate requirement is to have the Ugandan Wildlife
Authority (UWA)
planned resumption of wildlife exports for 2002, on an
extensive and
incredible scale, stopped before any long-lasting damage is
done. The export
quotas which have been discussed in various African
internet forums
represent a totally unsustainable drain on bird and animal
populations - not
only in Uganda, but, through illegal capture and
cross-border transport, in
neighbouring East African countries as well.
The background documentation can be seen at
http://keepbirdsfree.tripod.com/ugandadevelopments/ >
and the initial draft campaign emails are provided at
http://keepbirdsfree.tripod.com/ugandacampaign/ >
The people and conservationists of East Africa are relying
on your support -
Ian Hinze
Keep Birds Free mailto:kbf@proactnow.org
David Conlin
Proact International Coord