Steen Villumsen <> wrote:
> Er der nogen der har nogle idéer om hvad der er sket? Har jeg kværnet
> firmwaren på Mac'en eller hvad?
Prøv at slet PRAM! (æble+alt+P+R et par gange ved opstart) jeg har dog
ikke hørt om OF/9.11 problemer på iMac, men macfixit har beskrevet et
lignende problem på G4'ere.
fra <>, det omhandler dog
kun G4'ere(?)
Open Firmware error
Thomas Tempelmann found that, after installing a pre-release version of
Mac OS 9.1, two of his several Macs "crashed" at startup, booting into
Open Firmware. In both cases, these were G4 Macs with two graphics cards
installed. Removing one of the cards, or reverting to Mac OS 9.0.4,
fixed the problem.
This may be fixed in the release version. Scott Boettcher replies: "I
have a number of G4s with dual-ATI Rage 128 cards and they are not
having trouble with OS 9.1." Christy Davis concurs.
An Apple Discussions board thread has more reports of this Open Firmware
error. It appears not limited (or maybe not even linked to) two monitor
configurations. One posting linked into two mixing of RAM types.
(Thanks, Aditya Bhasin.)
Ian Byerrum suggests it may be related to also having installed the
recent Power Mac G4 AGP update.
The solution Tom McKenna replies: "It seems if you have a Power Mac G4,
Mac OS 9.1, and different speed SDRAM installed - you will crash into
Open Firmware when you do a warm reboot." This MacFixIt Forums thread
has the details. Essentially, removing one of the different types of RAM
works around the issue for at least some users. You can replace the RAM
after the OS 9.1 installation is over.
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