On Tue, 5 Mar 2002 16:12:47 +0100, "Michael" <spam@example.com> wrote:
>Jeg har fået ny computer (Asus B1500 laptop), hvori der sidder en AGPx4 S3
>Savage IV grafikkort.
>Jeg aner lige så knapt om den kan følge med de nye "stationære" grafikkort?
>Kan jeg spille de nyeste 3D spil? (CPU'en er en P3-1000MHz). Er det en god,
>kraftig model?
www.google.com kan man hurtigt finde noget:
(lidt negative meninger)
(grundigt review, tyder på habile 3D egenskaber)
Her fandt jeg noget godt:
med bemærkningerne:
The performance of the Savage 4 depends greatly on the resolution,
hence it's extremely fill-rate limited. The performance might not be
up par with TNT2 and Voodoo 3, but the image quality, and certainly
with S3 Texture Compression support, is very good. Even though other
companies claim that textures compression sucks, it surely rocks like
nothing else. The custom Unreal levels look so incredibly good and
your mouth will fall open. And on my PII 400 with 128 Mb the S3 cards
ran these texture heavy levels at 1024x768x32 with about 30 fps, which
is very decent. I really hope that other chip maker will start to
support S3TC as well as it would be a win-win for everyone, and most
of all the gamers.
som siger, det er vist ikke så ringe endda. Men på niveau under tnt2
og voodoo3.