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[wfrp] Mistaken Identity (The Enemy Within~
Fra : Søren Nielsen

Dato : 01-03-02 13:01

Brevet som eventyrerne får af Adolphus (Bounty Hunteren) kan jeg ikke
tyde og forventer ikke at spillerne kan.
Er der nogen som har en oversættelse? Evt. bare med normal skrift på

Med venlig hilsen
Søren Nielsen

Leted (01-03-2002)
Fra : Leted

Dato : 01-03-02 16:15

hmm....Er Adolphus ikke en vampyr ? - tsk tsk


"Søren Nielsen" <news@n-crypt.dk> wrote in message
> Brevet som eventyrerne får af Adolphus (Bounty Hunteren) kan jeg ikke
> tyde og forventer ikke at spillerne kan.
> Er der nogen som har en oversættelse? Evt. bare med normal skrift på
> engelsk?
> --
> Med venlig hilsen
> Søren Nielsen
> news@n-crypt.dk

Søren Nielsen (04-03-2002)
Fra : Søren Nielsen

Dato : 04-03-02 09:32

"Leted" <mini@clude.ac> wrote in message
> hmm....Er Adolphus ikke en vampyr ? - tsk tsk

Nej - han er blot en listig bounty hunter, men det har jo ikke så meget
at gøre med mit spørgsmål

Thomas Jensen (06-03-2002)
Fra : Thomas Jensen

Dato : 06-03-02 22:24

On Mon, 4 Mar 2002 09:31:41 +0100, "Søren Nielsen" <news@n-crypt.dk>

>"Leted" <mini@clude.ac> wrote in message
>> hmm....Er Adolphus ikke en vampyr ? - tsk tsk
>Nej - han er blot en listig bounty hunter, men det har jo ikke så meget
>at gøre med mit spørgsmål

Der står:

For the personal attention of Herr Adolphus Kuftos

The Nine Stars Coaching Inn
The Middenheim Road

My Dear Herr Kuftos,

you may recall a certain conversation we had last Breuzeit in the
public room of the Hook and Halberd in Nuln. At that time you
mentioned your interest in the activities of a certain society whose
name I shall not mention here. In particular, you were very anxious to
learn the whereabouts of a certain officer , known only as the
Magister Impedimentae.

I am now able to confirm each and every part of your suspicions. After
your departure, I made some discrete inquiries and managed to
ascertain that the "gentlemen" you are looking for has the name Kastor
Lieberung. In accordance with your plan, Herr Lieberung will be
travelling towards Altdorf along the Middenheim Road some time towards
the end of the month of Jahrdrung.

I have also been fortunate enough to secure a likeness of Herr
Lieberung, which I enclose with this letter.

I remain, Sir, your most obediant servant.


Det var da nemt nok



Thomas Jensen

"Any technology distinguishable from magic is not sufficiently advanced."

Søren Nielsen (08-03-2002)
Fra : Søren Nielsen

Dato : 08-03-02 15:06

Mange tak.
Dog fik jeg lige løst problemet lige inden dit svar kom.
Men ellers tak

Hvis der er nogen som er interesseret kan brevet også læses således:

"(For the personal attention of Mr. Adolphus Kuftsos
The Nine Stars Coaching Inn
The Middenheim Road
My dear Herr Kuftsos,
You may recall a certain conversation we had last Brauzeit in the in the
public bar in the Mönchsfaß in Nuln. At that time you mentioned your
interest in the activities of a certain society whose name I shall not
mention here. In particular, you were very anxious to trace the
whereabouts of a certain officer, known only as the Magister
I am now able to confirm each and every of your suspicions. After your
departure, I made some dicrete inquiries and managed to ascertain that
the "gentleman" you are looking for wears the name Kastor Lieberung. In
accordance with your plan, Herr Leiberung will be travelling towards
Altdorf along the Middenheim Road some time towards the end of the month
of Jahrdrung.
I have also been fortunate enough to secure a likeness of Herr Lieberung
which I enclose with this letter.
I remain, Sir, your most obedient servant

> "
> For the personal attention of Herr Adolphus Kuftos
> The Nine Stars Coaching Inn
> The Middenheim Road
> Altdorf.
> My Dear Herr Kuftos,
> you may recall a certain conversation we had last Breuzeit in the
> public room of the Hook and Halberd in Nuln. At that time you
> mentioned your interest in the activities of a certain society whose
> name I shall not mention here. In particular, you were very anxious to
> learn the whereabouts of a certain officer , known only as the
> Magister Impedimentae.
> I am now able to confirm each and every part of your suspicions. After
> your departure, I made some discrete inquiries and managed to
> ascertain that the "gentlemen" you are looking for has the name Kastor
> Lieberung. In accordance with your plan, Herr Lieberung will be
> travelling towards Altdorf along the Middenheim Road some time towards
> the end of the month of Jahrdrung.
> I have also been fortunate enough to secure a likeness of Herr
> Lieberung, which I enclose with this letter.
> I remain, Sir, your most obediant servant.
> Q.F."

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