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Office X unexpectedly quit
Fra : Franz Berliner

Dato : 28-02-02 11:07

Hver gang jeg starter Word, Excel eller Powerpoint i Office X får jeg
beskeden: The" application ... unexpectedly quit".

Jeg har fundet lidt forklaring om fonte og toast udvidelser på:

... men ingen af rådene hjælper. Er der nogen der har en ide til en

Franz | http://imv.au.dk/~fb

Morten Reippuert Knu~ (28-02-2002)
Fra : Morten Reippuert Knu~

Dato : 28-02-02 12:45

In article <1f8badn.xiiux91kmf5maN%mimer@iname.com>,
mimer@iname.com (Franz Berliner) wrote:

> .. men ingen af rådene hjælper. Er der nogen der har en ide til en
> løsning?

Jeg mener at kunne huske at det skyldes en skrift konflikt, men kan ikke
huske hvilken.

Hvis du et MacFixIt abonnement kan du med garanti finde en beskrivelse,
løsningen er også beskrevet i Macitouch's Office X arkiver, men deres
nye søgemaskine fungerer stabilt endnu.

En midlertidig løsning er at starte office programmerne ved at klikke på
en office dokument og slå "project gallery", fra således at det ikke
åbnes ved programstart

Venlig hilsen Morten Reippuert Knudsen... <icq:131382336>

Lejlighed søges i KBH Besides, if you can't get a decent
kernal panic or two in a month, what's the point of living?

Morten Reippuert Knu~ (28-02-2002)
Fra : Morten Reippuert Knu~

Dato : 28-02-02 13:06

In article <885l5a.mt.ln@G4.reippuert.dk>,
Morten Reippuert Knudsen <spam@reippuert.dk> wrote:

> Jeg mener at kunne huske at det skyldes en skrift konflikt, men kan ikke
> huske hvilken.

Nu har jeg fundet det, søgemaskinene fungerede til en afveksling

From: Matthew Centurion, Microsoft Macintosh Business Unit
Subject: Problems launching Office v.X applications

As more of our customers receive their copies of Microsoft Office v.X
for MacOS X we have started to hear reports of certain issues on launch
that I would like to point out in order to help them get Office v.X up
and running.

1. Word/Excel/PowerPoint unexpectedly quit after showing the splash
screen when optimizing fonts
We have found that many customers have fonts installed in their OS 9
Fonts folder that cause any Carbon application in OS 10.1 to crash when
attempting to use it. Classic does not need to be running for this to
happen (OS X automatically makes the OS 9 Fonts available to all
applications). Crashes logged by Console will most likely have at the
top line of the list the following text: "#0 ... In FindTablesInNFNT"

Apple's update to OS 10.1 (10.1.1) should fix this problem in most
cases. If this does not fix the problem then please contact Product
Support and please be prepared to send us the font in question (if that
does not violate the license agreement of that font vendor) so that we
can better serve you.

To find out more information about this issue, how to workaround it, and
search for the corrupt font, please read [the Known Issues page].

2. All Office v.X applications start launching but never finish
Some of our customers have experienced an issue where opening an Office
v.X application will cause the Application Icon to start bouncing in the
Dock, but will never successfully finish launching. Sometimes a restart
is required.

Many have identified this to be an issue with Carbon applications set to
automatically start-up at log-in. Their workaround is to disable all
applications in the Automatically Start-Up at Login list. This seems to
be an issue with OS X and not just Office v.X.

[See previous letters in this reader report for discussion of the

3. All Office v.X applications crash when displaying the Project

Some of our customers have identified a particular file installed by
Roxio's Toast product to cause this. Removing the file named
"ToastVideoCDSupport.component" in the ~/Library/Quicktime folder
alleviates the issue according to reports [...]"

If this doesn't solve your problem, you can temporarily work-around the
applications crashing on launch by double-clicking on an existing
document which will launch the Office v.X without showing the Project
Gallery. Then go into the Preferences dialog and turn off the "Show
Project Gallery at Launch" option. One of your readers has already
written in with that suggestion as well."

If this does not alleviate your problems please contact Microsoft
Product Support [...] you can also get help from other expert users by
subscribing to our Newsgroups.

Matt Centurion
Macintosh Business Unit

Venlig hilsen Morten Reippuert Knudsen... <icq:131382336>

Lejlighed søges i KBH Besides, if you can't get a decent
kernal panic or two in a month, what's the point of living?

Franz Berliner (28-02-2002)
Fra : Franz Berliner

Dato : 28-02-02 18:58

Morten Reippuert Knudsen <spam@reippuert.dk> wrote:

> 1. Word/Excel/PowerPoint unexpectedly quit after showing the splash
> screen when optimizing fonts
> We have found that many customers have fonts installed in their OS 9
> Fonts folder that cause any Carbon application in OS 10.1 to crash when
> attempting to use it. Classic does not need to be running for this to
> happen (OS X automatically makes the OS 9 Fonts available to all
> applications). Crashes logged by Console will most likely have at the
> top line of the list the following text: "#0 ... In FindTablesInNFNT"

Jeg har prøvet at fjerne font mappen fra min classic systemmappe og
lægge den i dokumenter i stedet. Så skulle problemet vel være væk?

> Apple's update to OS 10.1 (10.1.1) should fix this problem in most
> cases. If this does not fix the problem then please contact Product
> Support and please be prepared to send us the font in question (if that
> does not violate the license agreement of that font vendor) so that we
> can better serve you.

Jeg har alle X updates installeret og det virker desværre heller ikke.

Franz | http://imv.au.dk/~fb

Morten Reippuert Knu~ (28-02-2002)
Fra : Morten Reippuert Knu~

Dato : 28-02-02 19:18

In article <1f8bw7f.5vqk8916ki5eiN%mimer@iname.com>,
mimer@iname.com (Franz Berliner) wrote:

> Jeg har prøvet at fjerne font mappen fra min classic systemmappe og
> lægge den i dokumenter i stedet. Så skulle problemet vel være væk?

Prøv at se om der skulle være dobbeltgængere i /System/Library/Fonts,
/Library/Fonts og ~/Library/Fonts.

Venlig hilsen Morten Reippuert Knudsen... <icq:131382336>

Lejlighed søges i KBH Besides, if you can't get a decent
kernal panic or two in a month, what's the point of living?

Franz Berliner (05-03-2002)
Fra : Franz Berliner

Dato : 05-03-02 11:14

Morten Reippuert Knudsen <spam@reippuert.dk> wrote:

> > Jeg har prøvet at fjerne font mappen fra min classic systemmappe og
> > lægge den i dokumenter i stedet. Så skulle problemet vel være væk?
> Prøv at se om der skulle være dobbeltgængere i /System/Library/Fonts,
> /Library/Fonts og ~/Library/Fonts.

Jeps - så er den der
Der var knas med fonte i ~/Library/Fonts - så nu kører min office igen -

Franz | http://imv.au.dk/~fb

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