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Unlock Mobiltelefon
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How to open lock 1 and 4?
Fra : helloo.dk

Dato : 13-02-02 21:47

Da der er flere der har spurt mig vil jeg lige sige.....

How to open lock 1 and 4?

Winlock is a n0kia service program that you can use to open lock 1 and 4,
really you are closing locks when you do that, but when you write ????? at
MCC+MNC and MSIN text box, the phone don't understand it and consider that
it's open.

That trick only works for lock 1 and 4, but not for lock 2 and 3.


Do that at your own risk. We don't offer any warranties that this will work
100 %. You can crash your phone, and bla, bla, bla...:

Install winlock 1.10
Connect your MBUS n0kia data cable
Run Winlock
Push Read Phone, if you have Lock 2 or Lock 3 closed you can not open your
phone, but you can try change Lock 2.
Select State Close in Lock 1 and Lock 4, fill out MCC+MNC and MSIN text
boxes with ??????? and Push Close Locks.
Now you can use any operator card in your phone. If you get any error when
you do that do the following steps:
Select State Automatic in Lock 1 and Lock 4 and change type to User in Lock
1 and Lock 4, fill out MCC+MNC and MSIN text boxes with ?????????? and Push
Close Locks.
Select State Automatic in Lock 1 and Lock 4 and change type to Factory in
Lock 1 and Lock 4, fill out MCC+MNC and MSIN text boxes with ?????????? and
Push Close Locks.
If you continue getting errors you must turn off your phone and reset
computer and try again.

God fornøjelse...
helloo.dk åbner alle Nokia telefoner for kun 75,- kr.
Se også www.helloo.dk
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