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uuencoding og decoding i vb 6
Fra : Thomas Nielsen

Dato : 11-01-02 08:43


Nogen der har en ide til hvordan man uuencoder og decoder i vb 6?


Jan V. (11-01-2002)
Fra : Jan V.

Dato : 11-01-02 10:42

"Thomas Nielsen" <thomas@websup.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> Hej
> Nogen der har en ide til hvordan man uuencoder og decoder i vb 6?
> /Thomas

Encode kan jeg da hjælpe med


Public Function UUEncodeFile(strFilePath As String) As String

Dim intFile As Integer 'file handler
Dim intTempFile As Integer 'temp file
Dim lFileSize As Long 'size of the file
Dim strFileName As String 'name of the file
Dim strFileData As String 'file data chunk
Dim lEncodedLines As Long 'number of encoded lines
Dim strTempLine As String 'temporary string
Dim i As Long 'loop counter
Dim j As Integer 'loop counter

Dim strResult As String
'Get file name
strFileName = Mid$(strFilePath, InStrRev(strFilePath, "\") + 1)
'Insert first marker: "begin 664 ..."
strResult = "begin 664 " + strFileName + vbLf
'Get file size
lFileSize = FileLen(strFilePath)
lEncodedLines = lFileSize \ 45 + 1
'Prepare buffer to retrieve data from
'the file by 45 symbols chunks
strFileData = Space(45)
intFile = FreeFile
Open strFilePath For Binary As intFile
For i = 1 To lEncodedLines
'Read file data by 45-bytes cnunks
If i = lEncodedLines Then
'Last line of encoded data often is not
'equal to 45, therefore we need to change
'size of the buffer
strFileData = Space(lFileSize Mod 45)
End If
'Retrieve data chunk from file to the buffer
Get intFile, , strFileData
'Add first symbol to encoded string that informs
'about quantity of symbols in encoded string.
'More often "M" symbol is used.
strTempLine = Chr(Len(strFileData) + 32)
If i = lEncodedLines And (Len(strFileData) Mod 3) Then
'If the last line is processed and length of
'source data is not a number divisible by 3, add one or two
'blankspace symbols
strFileData = strFileData + Space(3 - (Len(strFileData) Mod
End If

For j = 1 To Len(strFileData) Step 3
'Breake each 3 (8-bits) bytes to 4 (6-bits) bytes
'1 byte
strTempLine = strTempLine + Chr(Asc(Mid(strFileData, j, 1))
\ 4 + 32)
'2 byte
strTempLine = strTempLine + Chr((Asc(Mid(strFileData, j, 1))
Mod 4) * 16 _
+ Asc(Mid(strFileData, j + 1, 1)) \ 16 + 32)
'3 byte
strTempLine = strTempLine + Chr((Asc(Mid(strFileData, j + 1,
1)) Mod 16) * 4 _
+ Asc(Mid(strFileData, j + 2, 1)) \ 64 + 32)
'4 byte
strTempLine = strTempLine + Chr(Asc(Mid(strFileData, j + 2,
1)) Mod 64 + 32)
Next j
'replace " " with "`"
strTempLine = Replace(strTempLine, " ", "`")
'add encoded line to result buffer
strResult = strResult + strTempLine + vbLf
'reset line buffer
strTempLine = ""
Next i
Close intFile

'add the end marker
strResult = strResult & "`" & vbLf + "end" + vbLf
'asign return value
UUEncodeFile = strResult

End Function

Thomas Nielsen (11-01-2002)
Fra : Thomas Nielsen

Dato : 11-01-02 11:43

"Jan V." <jv@miljodata.dk> wrote in message

> Encode kan jeg da hjælpe med

Tak jan det virker perfekt.

Nu mangler jeg bare løsning på decondig af min filer.


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