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ThomasCSR 2881
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Fra : Thomas

Dato : 10-01-02 13:15

Ved noen om web-sider med information om von Trier's (relativt) nye
dogme-konsept for dokumentarfiler finnes? Jeg er på utkikk etter regler og


Per Kristensen (10-01-2002)
Fra : Per Kristensen

Dato : 10-01-02 13:19


"I swear to submit to the following set of rules drawn up and
confirmed by DOGME 95:

1. Shooting must be done on location. Props and sets must not be
brought in (if a particular prop is necessary for the story, a location must
be chosen where this prop is to be found).
2. The sound must never be produced apart from the images or vice
versa. (Music must not be used unless it occurs where the scene is being
3. The camera must be hand-held. Any movement or immobility
attainable in the hand is permitted. (The film must not take place where the
camera is standing; shooting must take place where the film takes place).
4. The film must be in colour. Special lighting is not acceptable.
(If there is too little light for exposure the scene must be cut or a single
lamp be attached to the camera).
5. Optical work and filters are forbidden.
6. The film must not contain superficial action. (Murders, weapons,
etc. must not occur.)
7. Temporal and geographical alienation are forbidden. (That is to
say that the film takes place here and now.)
8. Genre movies are not acceptable.
9. The film format must be Academy 35 mm.
10. The director must not be credited.
Furthermore I swear as a director to refrain from personal taste! I am
no longer an artist. I swear to refrain from creating a "work", as I regard
the instant as more important than the whole. My supreme goal is to force
the truth out of my characters and settings. I swear to do so by all the
means available and at the cost of any good taste and any aesthetic
Thus I make my VOW OF CHASTITY."
Copenhagen, Monday 13 March 1995

On behalf of DOGME 95

Lars von Trier Thomas Vinterberg

Per Kristensen (10-01-2002)
Fra : Per Kristensen

Dato : 10-01-02 13:20

"Thomas" <t.hamre@btinternet.com> wrote in message
> Ved noen om web-sider med information om von Trier's (relativt) nye
> dogme-konsept for dokumentarfiler finnes? Jeg er på utkikk etter regler og
> slikt.
> Thomas

Af ups jeg så ikke lige at det var dokumentar.

Henrik Rytter (10-01-2002)
Fra : Henrik Rytter

Dato : 10-01-02 16:23

In article <B862851F.140A%t.hamre@btinternet.com>,
Thomas <t.hamre@btinternet.com> wrote:

> Ved noen om web-sider med information om von Trier's (relativt) nye
> dogme-konsept for dokumentarfiler finnes? Jeg er på utkikk etter regler og
> slikt.
> Thomas

Få det nyeste nummer af "Film". Der er reglerne ridset op for
"dogumentary". Jeg mener det er Det Danske Filminstitut der udgiver dem,
men jeg har ikke lige nogle numre liggende her. Mail mig evt for
detaljer. Bladet er gratis.

Henrik Rytter

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