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Devil and the 12th House
Fra : |ntruder

Dato : 23-12-01 17:54

SUPPER'S READY! The DEVIL'S supper and the 12th House
->>> O5, I Ching and Astrology tution t8@puck.dhs.org <<<-
<<<<- (C) 2002 Claudio Solis-Zic, All Rights Reserved ->>>>

The 12th House in Human Astrology and the Devil or VOLADERO

The TOE is where the True Mind is stored, that part that is
still human and allowed to exist for us CHICKEN to survive.
The greedy and economical farmer will keep his chickens just
alive by feeding them leftovers, enough to keep them alive.

In this way the DEVIL, who has eaten most of us since we were
delicious human infants, keeps his livestock alive and submissive.
The HUMAN state is reduced to flesh in want of trivia, naively
believing the all powerful VOLADEROS, he or she will "go to
Heaven", upon finishing their service on this planet.

The chicken listening to Radio McDonalds really thinks it's
PROTECTED and ETERNAL and does nothing to break the walls of
it's prison. It even plays DUNGEONS and dragons, while being
kept itself in the dungeons by dragons i.e. VOLADEROS.

Sages and perhaps fools sometimes succeeded at least in a
temporary victory over the VOLADEROS and their energy rose
up and from the TOE area. This is best explained in the I Ching
and rather allusive when talking about Kundalini "rising".
One is of course punished for every kundalini rising, since
the VOLADERO is back, but one is enriched by such an TEMPORARY
VICTORY and with enough CONTROLLED FOLLY, he might rarely
succeed in sending the DEVIL away for good!

The majority does not even know the DEVIL is on their back,
like the coca-cola is probably not aware of being sucked up,
or a chicken reared for dinner. It is part of the strategy
of the EATERS to rear their chickens, and of course DENY
INFORMATION. You don't read ECOLOGICAL MAGAZINES to a chicken.

The TWELFTH HOUSE in astrology is the refugee's house. It is
in this house that the captured superego lives "There's a house
with no roof; so the rain keeps creeping in", says Peter Hammill
(Van der Graaf Generator) in his "House with no Door". Yes it
is there we are sent to, to rot till our last days. Illumination
is an option rarely ever happening to one.

The sign PISCES applies to TOE, so there is no doubt as to the
"occult" symbolism. After birth there is the second house a.k.a.
PORTA INFERNA, adn the dying process begins. The VOLADERO eats
every spark, from FIRST LOVE to HOPES AND FEARS (as Art Bears
note). When one has no problems, he makes them for him and feeds
on this emotional energy.

Franz Bardon, who introduces you into shutting up the internal
dialogue, has a cute and terrifying description of a PHANTOM.
It is so shocking to inform one ONE'S MIND IS NOT ONE'S OWN
at all, that great masters chose allegories like DO NOT FIGHT
folly restores energy, to the detriment of the DEVIL.

From astrology it is clear or unclear why our HOUSE OF THE
RISING SUN is so dark. The truth is we are born into slavery
and death. Once long time ago, people were majikal beings as
perhaps recorded in the VEDAS, but today they are VICTIMS of
a SUPERIOR ANORGANIC INTELLIGENCE that feeds upon each and every
human being, till his death. This death is of course devoid of
reincarnaton, heaven, angels and so on.

The ELEVENTH HOUSE stands for Angels. We must understand the
angels to be alien ANORGANIC BEINGS, hardly compatible with
man, and of quite wild interests. It is wonderful to see them
named (almost tamed) into categories like the A'aTz ChIIM or
Tree of Life, one by one like KMAL RPhAL MTTRVN (Metatron)
GBRIAL MIKAL and so on. This perfect 4 X 10 system is beyond
a common man's reach. It might be beyond a magician's reach
today. It is wild to believe the angels are cooperative, they
are of course not, and not even with POWERFUL MAGICIANS, what
of the man in the street. His only fiend is a VOLADERO, as
the song says "Belzebub has a devil put aside for me".

Aleister H.Crowley, a curious victim; describes his own
experiences in GETTING RID OF THE EGO (Israel Regardie
regards him ego infatuated), and says something about
ego reorganization, the DEVIL OF THE CHASM or 333 and
many interesting things. He's the most available among
the type of Net population I'm currently addressing,
though by no means the most reliable, of course.

Various SAINTS have had PARTIAL VICTORIES. The problem with
our SECRET ENEMY is that it RETURNS, angry and in DIES IRAE.
MIND, GOOD and EVIL, it must look like the return of the righteous.

I know what is GOOD FOR YOU (Alice Miller),

What can we do? We can switch to the ACTIVE SIDE OF INFINITY
(Carlos Castaneda), enjoy the unexpected little things of daily
life. Does it sound convincing? UNEXPECTED? But everything is
supposed to be predictable, SAFE. Then disrupt the routines.
The voladero feels safe in his predictable world, let's walk
backwards, stomp on that shadow and reinvent childhood pranks.
Or is it too late for you to be a child? Too much work to do?
Too much PROBLEMS? The voaldero is an expert in feeding you
the most unbeliavable problems. You did not even know that
thing existed and now you have it plus 11 new problems. Ha, ha,
ha. It's a sad storry. A life full of problems. People are of
course even PROUD of their own problems. HE HAS PROBLEMS.

OH YOU HAVE NO PROBLEMS. LUCKY YOU. Equals to "idiot"; so
dumb that he/she cannot even have one. Of course you don't
have problems. The sort of things you do...

I guess you have enough material to draw your own conclusions
(that's tricky, since your own mind is somehow out of use).

That explains the Pisceans being SHY, TIMID, sidewalkers.
And that explains why the 12th house is the house of MOKSHA
or LIBERATION, and what is liberation about. You did not know
what is liberation about because the voladeros did not inform
you this morning. Now you know. It SENDING THIS MIND TO IT'S
OWNER. Jesus Christ might help. There is a VOLADERO for every
human being and the BIG EXORCISM has begun.


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