Ja, så kan man få VPC til X:
**Virtual PC 5.0 Ships for Mac OS 9 & Mac OS X** -- Connectix
Corporation last week shipped the latest version of Virtual PC,
their Pentium emulation software for running Windows (and other
PC operating systems) on a Macintosh. Virtual PC 5.0, which is
available right away bundled with either Windows 98 or PC-DOS,
runs in both Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X, and takes advantage of
multiprocessor Macs under Mac OS X. The software resolves the
various shortcomings seen in the Test Drive version under
Mac OS X and adds several new touches that we'll explore in detail
in a later article. In brief, Virtual PC 5.0 has "undoable" hard
disk images so you can back out of actions made after a specified
point, networking between virtual machines under Mac OS X, support
for Windows XP, and greatly improved handling of screen
resolutions and full-screen mode. Performance is essentially
the same as in the previous version of Virtual PC and between
the Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X versions, though Mac OS X use doesn't
feel quite as snappy.
Connectix is already selling Virtual PC 5.0 through its online
store and says most merchants (including Apple Store retail
locations) should have it in stock soon if they don't already. An
upgrade to Virtual PC 5.0 from an earlier version costs $80 (free
to users who purchased Virtual PC 4.0 since 01-Nov-01); Virtual PC
with DOS costs $100; and Virtual PC with Windows 98 costs $200.
Versions bundled with Windows 2000 and Windows XP Home Edition
will ship in a few weeks, as will Connectix OS Packs for users who
wish to add Windows operating systems to an existing Virtual PC
installation. Virtual PC 5.0 requires a PowerPC G3- or G4-based
Mac (running at least at 400 MHz for Mac OS X support) with
Mac OS 9.1 or later or Mac OS X 10.1 or later. RAM requirements
vary from 64 MB to 256 MB depending on whether you're running
in Mac OS 9 or Mac OS X and with different PC operating systems;
disk space requirements vary with the PC operating system from
260 MB to 2 GB. [MHA]
Per Erik Rønne
Frederikssundsvej 308B, DK-2700 Brønshøj, DENMARK, EUROPEAN UNION
Tlf. + fax: +38 89 00 16, mobil +45 28 23 09 92.