"razz" <rasmusbirck@dak.k64.dk> wrote:
> hej.
> her lige fjernet w32.badtrans.b@mm virusen på min PC, men jeg fik den af min
> far som ejer en Mac. Kan denne virus overhovedet eksekveres på en Mac, og i
> så fald er der nogen der ved hvordan man fjerner den.?
McAfee informerer om aktuelle virus på
herunder om badtrans virusen. Den angriber kun Windows 32 systemer.
"Badtrans.b details:
This mass mailing worm attempts to send itself using Microsoft Outlook
by replying to unread and read email messages. It also mails itself to
email addresses found within files that exist on your system. It drops
a keylogging trojan (detected as PWS-Hooker with the 4173 DATs, or
greater) into the SYSTEM directory as KDLL.DLL. This trojan logs
keystrokes for the purpose of stealing personal information (such as
credit card and bank account numbers and passwords). This information
is later emailed to the virus author(s).
When run, this variant copies itself to the WINDOWS SYSTEM directory
as KERNEL32.EXE and creates a registry run key to load itself at
startup: ..."
Det ser ikke ud som om den kan gøre noget ved MacOS maskiner.