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10 point
Dato : 01-01-03 20:47

Er der nogen der har eller ved hvor teksten til disse sange er???

Søs Fenger: Holder øje med dig + Hvor end jeg går hen

Julie: Every little part of me

På forhånd Tak

Accepteret svar
Fra : majbritt05

Modtaget 10 point
Dato : 06-01-03 14:58

Her er den med julie:

Every Little Part Of Me.

Can you hear the Ecco
Footsteps down the hall
Always sounds so lonely
As they're walking away
The man in the Mirror
Looks tired and worn
Another Deja Vu day
When your heart is torn
I'm in this Melacholy mood
That never does me any good
It get's worst when I'm tired
It's a habit I've aquared.

Every little part of me
Is missing you now
Every little part of you
No matter where you are I do
This body achs to be kissing you now
Every little part of you
Deep down to the heart of you
And in the middle of the night
You should hear my spirit cry
Ohhh... why..
I'm still missing every little part of you....

Remember when you told me
How pain never last
We can went tomorrow
By facing the past
So how can today then
All that remance
Featching every memory
Is a heart full of pain
I'm in this Melacholy mood
That never does me any good
It get's worst when I'm tired
It's a habit I've aquared.

Every little part of me
Is missing you now
Every little part of you
No matter where you are I do
This body achs to be kissing you now
Every little part of you
Deep down to the heart of you
And in the middle of the night
You should hear my spirit cry
Ohhh... why..
I'm still missing every little part of you....

Had when I feel the morninglight
I reach for you to hold you tight
I wish I could feel you once more
See the sunrice on your face
But deep down in my heart i know
That maybe I should let you go
But you are a hearthavetuit

Every little part of me
Is missing you now
Every little part of you
No matter where you are I do
This body achs to be kissing you now
Every little part of you
Deep down to the heart of you
And in the middle of the night
You should hear my spirit cry
Ohhh... why..
I'm still missing every little part of you....

Godkendelse af svar

Dato : 08-01-03 01:10

Hey Hey det var da en, så mangler jeg kun de andre to.
Tak til majbritt05 for svaret


Fra : Miv1989

Dato : 02-01-05 13:30

prøv på www.sosfenger.dk der har hun nogle af sangene liggende

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