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50 point
Dato : 09-01-06 11:49

hvordan kommer man egentlig ud af det rum,nøglen knækker.

Accepteret svar
Fra : Brommi

Modtaget 50 point
Dato : 09-01-06 12:06

Det gør du såen her...

The Clock ticks... Where is the clock? Your find yourself in a room with a bed, desk and book shelf. You have a lantern in inventory.

Turn right and look close at door knob. Take the key and it breaks. You are locked in. The broken key is now in inventory.

Turn left, go forward and look at the desk. Read George's letter to Arther. The lyrics are hidden in this room. We have to find them. Note the mention of sequence and seek the old art catalog. Also, need a key. Check The Station Hotel calling card and the restaurant flyer. Open the left drawer to see pictures of the bar and another one of a specter in the hallway. The right drawer has the pictures of the garage, ghost on stairs and the picture in the hallway.

Jeg fandt det fra denne side.. men pas på du ikke læser for meget.. det kan nemt ødelægge et godt spil!..



Godkendelse af svar
Fra : akrolle

Dato : 11-01-06 08:45

Tak for svaret Brommi.

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