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oversættelse mafia.løsning på dansk....
Fra : rense
Vist : 401 gange
60 point
Dato : 04-08-05 18:13

hej.. jeg vil godt have oversættet det her til dansk....... PLEASE........... eller bare noget af det........

After the cutscene quickly crouch behind your car and arm your Colt 1911, a guy will approach you from your right. Shoot
him first and then shoot the guy with the Tommy Gun just in front of your car. There will be another 2 guys with some
Pump Actions, one will approach you from your front and one is hiding behind the branches at your left.
Get into the Truck and go further into the harbor. Watch out for shotguns and Tommy Guns equipped guys, there're a lot
of them here. Don't let yourself to be in the open because there're 3/4 Rifle using guys and they can shoot you from a
very far distance and it WILL hit you big time. With the truck just go straight to the left end of the harbor and check
the houses there, a guy is armed with a rifle here but he won't be a threat because you can go behind him and kill him.
Collect the rifle and use it to kill the 3/4 guys using the rifle at the top of the crate-mover (that red-tokyo-tower-like
building) just in front of the big ships.

This chapter seems to be another stuck point for people who passed the race, huh.. ?
OK here's the tip !
You see Sergio Morello's car ? And the building behind it ?
There's where he's hiding !
You have to arrange the railways / tracks so the train at the end of the rail will crash into Morello's car.
( you have to search for a train-like compartment which has a brickstone under the wheels ) after you arrange
the rails just duck there, press right mouse and the brickstone will be removed, causing the train to crash into the car.

Enter the warehouse and be careful for shotgun users here, there's a lot of them. You'll find Sergio Morello here and
you can finish him off easily using a Tommy Gun like I did. Congrats ! Now Sergio Morello is a Lucky but dead Bastard !

Fra : Nordsted1

Dato : 04-08-05 18:16

du må lige vente til dova kommer til, min søn blev noget skuffet sidst, han brugte så meget tid, og så kunne du ikke bruge det....... jeg syntes ellers det var en god ide, at få ham til at oversætte, så fik han da øvet noget engelsk her i skoleferien, men nu er han gået i strejke

Fra : ME.alexander

Dato : 04-08-05 18:18

Tjah vi skrev jo næsten det samme sidst... jeg vidste bare hvad crouch betød... ikke noget med at mukke !

Accepteret svar
Fra : snaptil

Modtaget 70 point
Dato : 04-08-05 18:27

After the cutscene quickly crouch behind your car and arm your Colt 1911, a guy will approach you from your right. Shoot
him first and then shoot the guy with the Tommy Gun just in front of your car. There will be another 2 guys with some
Pump Actions, one will approach you from your front and one is hiding behind the branches at your left.
Get into the Truck and go further into the harbor. Watch out for shotguns and Tommy Guns equipped guys, there're a lot
of them here. Don't let yourself to be in the open because there're 3/4 Rifle using guys and they can shoot you from a
very far distance and it WILL hit you big time. With the truck just go straight to the left end of the harbor and check
the houses there, a guy is armed with a rifle here but he won't be a threat because you can go behind him and kill him.
Collect the rifle and use it to kill the 3/4 guys using the rifle at the top of the crate-mover (that red-tokyo-tower-like
building) just in front of the big ships.
du ser Sergio Morello's car ? og bygningen bagved?
det er der han gemmer sig !
du bliver nød til at sætte jernbaneskinnerne sådan at toget vil køre ind i Morello's car.
( du bliver nød til at lede efter en toglignende kupe som har en mursten under hjulene ) efter du arrangerer skinnerneså duk dig og tryk på højre musetast og murstenen vil blive fjernet,hvilket får toget til at køre ind i bilen.

gå ind i varehuset vær opmærksom på at der er folk der bruger shotgun, og der er mange. sergio Morello er her og du kan nemt afslutte ham med maskinpistol som jeg gjorde.
tillykke nu er Sergio Morello lykkelig men død!!

Fra : snaptil

Dato : 04-08-05 18:28

car= bil ups

Fra : rense

Dato : 04-08-05 18:29

sorry.jeg har ikke sagt at det ikke kunne bruges...alt kunne bruges...jeg skulle jo bare vælge en af dem.....

Fra : snaptil

Dato : 04-08-05 18:31

kan tage anden del senere men overskriften er

Fra : Nordsted1

Dato : 04-08-05 18:32

Du har ret, mange gange bliver svarene jo også skrevet samtidig, især sådan en lang smører som dem du har brug for, men se nu fik du et brugbart svar, og så er alt jo godt )

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : rense

Dato : 04-08-05 18:33

mange Tak for svaret snaptil.
            det tror jeg godt jeg kan bruge:) :) :)            

Fra : pallebhansen

Dato : 04-08-05 18:35

Dova, du kan enten oversætte og så forsætte oversættelsen her fra, eller give et engelskkursus til rense
* The HARBOR *
VH Palle Hansen

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