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gammelt pop musik ?
Fra : Trine80
Vist : 942 gange
50 point
Dato : 21-04-05 21:30

Hvem har lavet dene her pop sang fra ca 1994 ?
Han synger sådan lidt rap agtigt: In farmen...bla bla bla bla... i need you go go there
so me like oblair ,, i ned you go go there....

Ved godt at det her er helt forkert: so me like oblair, men det lyder i den retning

Jeg er helt sikker på at sangen er på den Absolut musik cd hvor numret med Pet Shop Boys, Go West og 4 non Blons er på

Accepteret svar
Fra : taliskoko

Modtaget 60 point
Dato : 21-04-05 22:04

Det er SNOW med nummeret Informer.


What's up man hey yo what's up
Yeah what's goin' on here
Sick an' tired of five-oh runnin' up on the block here
You know what I'm sayin'
Yo Snow they came around here lookin' for you the other day
Word word bust it

Informer you no say daddy me Snow me I'll go blame
A licky boom boom down
Detective mon said daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane
A licky Boom Boom Down.


Police them come an' now they blow down me door
One him come crawl through through my window
So then they put me in the back the car at the station
From that point on me reach my destination
When the destination reached it was the east detention
Where them whipped down me pants looked up me bottom so


Bigger they are they think they have more power
They're on the phone me say that on (every) hour
Me for want to use it once an' now me call me lover
Lover who I'll be callin is the one Tammy
An' me love her in me heart down to my belly
Yes me daddy me Snow me I feel cool an' deadly
As the one MC Shan an' the one daddy Snow
Together we-a love 'em as a Tor-Na-Do


Listen for me you better listen for me now (x2)
When me rockin' the microphone me rock it steady
Yes sir daddy me Snow me are the article don
But in the in an' the out of a dance them they say where you come from
People them say you come from Jamaica
But me born an' raised in the ghetto that's the one I want you to know
Pure black people mon that's all I mon know
Yeah me shoes are tear up an' me toes used to show
Where me born in on the one Toronto so


Come with a nice young lady.
Intelligent yes she's gentle an' irie
Everywhere me go me never left her at all
Yes its daddy Snow me are the roam dance mon
Roam between a dancin' in a in a nation-a
You never know say daddy me Snow me are the Boom Shakata
Me never lay-a down flat in that one cardboard box
Yes say me Daddy me Snow me I'll go reachin' at the top so


Why would he (x2)

Me sittin' 'round cool with my dibbie dibbie girl
Police knock my door lick up my pal
Rough me up an' I can't do a thing
Pick up my line when my telephone ring
Take me to the station black up my hands
Trail me down 'cuz I'm hangin' with the Snowman
What I'm gonna do I'm backed an' I'm trapped
Slap me in the face an' took all o' my gap
They have no clues an' they wanna get warmer
But Shan won't turn informer


Godkendelse af svar
Fra : Trine80

Dato : 21-04-05 22:15

Tak for svaret taliskoko.
hvis du viste hvor lang tid jeg har spekuleret i det
Du er genial... my hero   
1000 1000 Tak            

Fra : taliskoko

Dato : 21-04-05 22:26

For at fuldende:

Køb det her -Lovligt- for 9 kroner:

http://box.dk/ Søg på "Informer" i numre.

Albummet hedder: 12 Inches Of Snow.

Fra : Trine80

Dato : 21-04-05 22:30

Tak, men jeg fandt det på amazone

Vildt at du ud fra min dårlige oversættelse kunne gætte det

Du svare tit på musik spg syntes jeg, må jeg spørge hvad du selv høre ?
Hvad kan du anbefale ?

Fra : Trine80

Dato : 21-04-05 22:33

Nå okay, det er simpelthen noget on-line musik shopping eller sådan,, tak for det :)

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