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Stack of integers
Fra : Abdis
Vist : 649 gange
100 point
Dato : 07-02-05 20:20

1)for an ADT stack of integers , you have to specify at least 4 operations (e.g)CRUD) means crate update and delete
specify pre_condition and post_condition

2) make an implementation decision : in java and array data structure with a top variable .
3) implement the stack with methods , and add inavariants in each method test it
4) put the stack in a java package: myConytainers. test it
5) make a head program and use your new Stack .test it

Fra : miritdk

Dato : 07-02-05 20:22

hvad er dit spørgsmål ?????????????

Fra : Abdis

Dato : 07-02-05 22:01

my question is making an empty stack where u can add new stack at the top and where u can delete something at top top

Fra : Abdis

Dato : 07-02-05 22:10

mit spørgsmål er at lave et tom stak, hvor du kan tilføjer af ny ny stak ad top af staken forstået eller ikke forstået

Fra : Abdis

Dato : 07-02-05 22:36

Hi can't I get someone who answers my question please

Fra : justuniverse

Dato : 07-02-05 23:28

ADT = Abstract Data Type. Means that you have to make a sort of plan for a class (e.g. an object) that contains the mensioned operations.

Operations could be: crate, pop, put, size whatever (delete and update is not typical Stack - operations....)

A Stack is different from a Queue because in a Stack its "first in - last out" in a Queue its "First in - first out"

Lets call the ADT IntStack

1: ADT:

Make a local array of integers as a datastructure:
int[] structure = new int[30]; //Can hold 30 integers....

packace myConytainers; //4...
import java.util.*;

public class IntStack(){
private int[] structure;
private int count;

public IntStack() {
structure = = new int[30];
count = 0;

public put(int value) {
structure[count] = value;

public int pop() {
int returnValue = structure[count];
structure[count] = 0;

return returnValue;

public int count() {
return count;

public String toString() {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
int i = structure.length - 1;
for (i; i >= 1 ; i--) { //It´s a Stack so the list is supposed to be reversed....
buf.append("Index " + i + " = " structure[i] + ", ")
buf.append("Index " + i + " = " structure[i]) // to prevent a ", " as the last print....

return buf.toString();

public static void main(String args[]) { // 5......
IntStack stack = new IntStack();

stack.put(2); // now stack contains 2
stack.put(4); // now stack contains 4, 2
stack.put(6); // now stack contains 6, 4, 2

stack.pop(); // now stack contains 4, 2

System.out.println("Stack contains " + stack.cont() + " numbers. They are: " + stack.toString());

Simlified example, but You can play with it yourself

Fra : justuniverse

Dato : 07-02-05 23:35

I forgot:
1) Precondition: The IntStack is not created and is empty.
Postcondition: The IntStack may be populated, full or empty.

3) Invariants is what is expectet for each method. Should be the "JavaDoc" for the method. Make pre- and postconditions, and a simple explanation for the functionality of the method.

Fra : Abdis

Dato : 07-02-05 23:37

what i want is

and no return value i want instead to throw an EXCEPTION error

Fra : justuniverse

Dato : 07-02-05 23:38

public int pop() {
int returnValue = structure[count - 1];
structure[count - 1] = 0;

return returnValue;

Fra : Abdis

Dato : 07-02-05 23:40

Hi i understand but where is create and add and size operations that is what i want to understand and how to put them in a conatainer

Fra : justuniverse

Dato : 07-02-05 23:41

According to the Stack concept the operation IntStack.pop should return an int-value. But You can ofcourse just make it dissapear.... by not returning anything...
The the operation would be like:
public pop() {

structure[count-1] = 0;

Fra : Abdis

Dato : 07-02-05 23:44

can u please build it from the beginning to write the comentary of create pop push size and it must be an empty one and put them in a container


Accepteret svar
Fra : justuniverse

Modtaget 100 point
Dato : 07-02-05 23:51

The "create" operation was in the "abstract" part of the datatype. In the implementation this is the constructor: IntStack() {

A size-operation is the "count"-operation, I made. (My fault) You can just rename the count-operation to "size()".

A Stack IS a Container.... (Just an object, that can "contain" other things, in this case integers. Could have been objects too - or even both)

The package "myConytainers" holds your own containers apart from your KanduInvironment. (Just datatypes to "contain" things of same "family")

In standard Java, several containers is made: Vector, Stack (!), Queue, BitSet, List, Set, TreeSet and so on...
The are in the package java.util (as far as I remember)

Actually the Vector also is a Stack (among other things) (its just hard to tell..)

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : Abdis

Dato : 07-02-05 23:53

Tak for svaret justuniverse.

Fra : justuniverse

Dato : 08-02-05 00:07

Du kan nå at slette dit andet spørgsmål, hvis du synes du har fået svar.... (Så sparer du 44 points)

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