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Hjælp til half life 2
Fra : amc
Vist : 346 gange
100 point
Dato : 11-01-05 16:27

Jeg er kommet til Sandtraps hvor der i vandet er nogle fisk med strøm i(tror jeg nok) hvad skal jeg der...Hvor langt er der tilbage i spillet...Noget af det bedste jeg har prøvet

Fra : Harlekin

Dato : 11-01-05 17:02

Sandtraps er kapitel 8 ud af 14... så du er ca midtvejs.

Her er hvad du skal. På engelsk:
Follow the tunnel, till you reach a bunch of cars. Leave the car, and enter
the area on the right for goodies. Go back in the car, drive a bit forth, and
quickly go back. Quite a few Zombies will attack, so be ready for them. When
you're sure they're all gone, move the cars out of the way, and follow the
tunnel again. If you see cars on the road ahead, go a bit right, and follow
the path.

You can explore the houses for supplies, but once you reached the upper floor,
a few Rolling Mines will appear, so watch out for them. Get back to your buggy
and keep going. You'll reach a barricade. Take out the Combines and Rolling
Mines, and explore if you want. Go back in the buggy, and get past the
barricade, by just driving straight into it. Easy as that.

You'll end up at a small town that's blocked by a truck. Leave the buggy, and
take cover. A Dropship will arrive, and Combines will start to attack. Shoot
them, and then it's hunting time. You'll need batteries to open the gate. You
can find a few of them, but you only need 2. One is near the bed, one is
underneath a bathtub, and another one is on a plate, that you can see by
looking up. Shoot bricks at the plate, so it falls down. The battery will
fall down too. Once the gate is open, go to your buggy, and continue
driving (you can pass the truck on the right side of it). Go through the


You'll end up at a lighthouse. Good, good. Someone will try to get your
attention. Better listen then. Step out of your buggy, and listen to the man.
"Put the buggy in the garage". Great! Go back in the buggy, and do so. Wave
the buggy goodbye, because you won't use it anymore. If you want to talk about
this with me, because you feel bad and stuff, don't hesitate to mail me.
Anyway, Dropships will arrive and drop Combines. You'll have to survive the
attack of 4 Dropships. After that, a Gunship will arrive. Enter the
lighthouse, and find a box with rockets. Shoot the Gunship down, get new
supplies (yes, also health) if you need it.

Once the Gunship is destroyed, someone will take you down, and open a door
for you. Take that path.


See how the Combines take away your buggy? Bastards! If you want to cry, sit
down, and do so. When you're over it, keep going. You'll find a man who sits
on the rocks. He'll warn you not to step on the sand, because the Antlions
will appear when you do. However, his friend will move, and Antlions will
appear. Kill them, and keep going. If you find supply-boxes on your way, just
get them using your Gravity Gun. Don't bother with most of the boxes, since
they'll be out of your reach. After a while, you'll reach a small puzzle. On
one side the a big wooden structure, is a box. If you remove it, you'll be
able to continue, since the thing will move up. You can go 2 ways from here.

One of the paths will bring you to a shack. Go there for supplies. The other
will bring you further, towards Nova Prospekt. After some jumping, you won't
find any rocks anymore. Do you need to run through the sand? No, please don't
do that. Grab 2 things you can stand on. Boxes, plates, whatever suits you.
Place one in front of you, and step on it. Grab the other one, and step on
that one. Turn around, and place the previous object in front of you. It'll
take a while this way, but at least you're safe. You can explore the houses,
or just go straight ahead. Whatever you want.

Once you reached the other side of the beach, and go over the small hill,
you'll see a lot of sand, and almost no objects. Just jump down, and you'll
have to battle a Antlion Warrior. No big deal. Just run around, keep strafing,
and shoot, shoot, shoot! He'll summon Antlions, but just ignore them. If you
focus on the Antlion Warrior, he'll be down real soon.

Killed it? Good. A Vortigaunt will appear, and will open the Antlion Warrior
for you. You can now grab the Pheropod, also known as Bug Bait. Follow the
Vortigaunt into the base, and he'll explain how to use the Pheropod. He'll
open a gate for you. Follow the path.


With your army of Antlions, you'll be stronger than ever before. However, the
Antlions are afraid of the devices that'll stomp on the ground. You can turn
them off, and that way they'll keep following you. Just keep going, turning
of devices, and kill Combines when you see them.

After a while, you can't go any further down the beach. You'll simply get
shot. Look to the left, and you'll see a hill. If you follow that hill, you
can continue. You'll find a building, with a few Man hacks and Combines. Kill
them, and leave the building on the other side. Keep going a bit further, and
enter the bunker you see. Quite a few Combines will start to attack you, so
shoot them off. Be sure the Antlions are helping you too. Once most of them
are dead, head in that direction, and just follow the path.

If you see a big pipe, you're at the right place. Find a path here, and keep
following it. You'll find a camp, with 2 Zombies. Kill the zombies, and hit
the 2 wooden poles. This will create a little path for you, so just follow it.
Eventually you'll find a tunnel, with a Leaper inside. Enter the tunnel.


This is a tough area, so take care. Move slowly, and let the Antlions do the
work for you. First, take out the Combines on the towers. After that, go up
a level, and kill the Combines here. If you move further, a Gunship will
appear. There is a crate with unlimited ammo waiting a bit further, and if you
let the Antlions do the distraction, you'll be able to make it. However, if
you take too long, another Gunship will appear (it'll appear anyway, don't get
me wrong), and you'll have to battle two of them. If you destroyed them, or
if you're sick of it, find a crack in the wall. Open it up with a grenade or
rocket, and go in. Spin the wheels to turn of the gas, and continue down the

Fra : amc

Dato : 12-01-05 09:16

Det er jeg kommet igemmen...

Accepteret svar
Fra : Harlekin

Modtaget 100 point
Dato : 12-01-05 10:05

Det er ellers hele Sandtraps banen.. og det var da den du spurgte om hjælp til?

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : amc

Dato : 12-01-05 14:11

Tak for svaret Harlekin. UPS min fejl...Var kommet vider men tak

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